A precious Yerushalmi Yid, R’ Bentzion has voluntarily given up his own career to devote his heart and soul to a mission that is precious to Klal Yisroel. In his capacity of Jerusalem Director of Operations of Zaka, R’ Bentzion is always there for his brothers, serving in the trenches of crisis and tragedy.
This position, while accruing R’ Bentzion immeasurable zechusim, does not provide him with any monetary gain.R’ Bentzion currently finds himself in dire financial straits. Our esteemed brother from Yerushalayim regularly gives all his time, energy, comfort, and financial stability to perform the highest
level of chesed. We now have the chance to give back to this selfless hero in a small way, by assisting him in his time of need.
Shouldn’t Klal Yisroel be there for him?
The parlor meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. tonight, November 27, at the home of R’ Avrohom Fried, 23 13th Street (between Princeton and Monmouth Avenues). Hot Fleishig buffet.
I am lost
is this an appeal for him personally or for the organization ZAKA?
To #1
Did you bother to read more than 1 line or are you just asking because you are lazy to read the entire article
TO #1
This position, while accruing R’ Bentzion immeasurable zechusim, does not provide him with any monetary gain.R’ Bentzion currently finds himself in dire financial straits. Our esteemed brother from Yerushalayim regularly gives all his time, energy, comfort, and financial stability to perform the highest
level of chesed. We now have the chance to give back to this selfless hero in a small way, by assisting him in his time of need.
When Aron sofer got lost in the forest of Yerushalayim, who took charge of the search teams? R’ Bentzy. In fact, R’ Bentzy did not go home, OR SLEEP, from that Shabbos until Wednesday of that week – he was busy around the clock directing the search teams. He finally blanked out on Wednesday as he heard the news that Aron z”l was found…… and he was still in his shabbos clothes!!
Every terrorist attack in yerushlayim, R’ Bentzy is on the scene doing his chesed shel emes.
Every time a child is lost in Yerushalayim, everyone knows that R’ Bentzy is the one who will take charge and direct the search teams.
Every time an American bachur is arrested in yerushlayim, who do the parents run to? Of course, R’ Bentzy. He gets them out of jail.
These are the famous stories, the ones everyone knows.
But what about all the stories that R’ Bentzy does that we don’t know about?
When I was a bachur learning in Eretz Yisroel about 10 years ago, on my way back from Mir to my dira at 11pm, I saw R’ Bentzy about to take off in his ambulance. Considering the security situation at the time, with suicide bombings a common occurrence, I asked him where he was going. He nonchalantly told me there was a car accident up in the north of Yerushalayim. Being a yeshiva bochur, I jumped at the opportunity and asked hime if I could hop along, and he agreed.
To make a long story short….. An Ethiopian 19 year was in a bad accident and was killed. R’ Bentzy left his family at 11 pm to take care of the necessary “kavod ha’mes”. After about an hour, R’ Bentzy loaded the body and brought it to Shamgar, where we waited for the family to come and identify the body, at about 2:30 AM. We got home at around 3 AM.
And it was just another day in the life of R’ Bentzy, without any publicity. As my dira was right next door to R’ Bentzy’s 2 bedroom apartment (with his 11 children k”h) I’ve personally seen so many other similar stories. (If you would like to verify these stories, please contact me through TLS)
R’ Bentzy does all this without getting a penny from Zaka or from anyone else. R’ Bentzy is the one we all turn to when we need him.
Now he needs our help. He is a very poor person, in tremendous need. Come tonight and meet him personally. Be mechazek him – this is a true zchus harabim.
This guy is a true tzadik, a real selfless individual we all have a responsibility to help him out, And Thanks to the host R’ Avrohom a true Bal Chesed behind the seens!!
And yes I do plan on going & helping out!!
I can not make it but would like to donate. Where and how can I do so?
They should create a fund me page, I think a lot of people know him and would donate.
you can mail checks to:
R’ Bentzion Oiring
c/o R’ Asher Eiseman
1416 Monmouth Ave
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Tizku l’mitzvos! Please help! His personal situation is desperate, yet he will not turn anyone down; we cannot turn him down.
And klal yisroel needs him to be able to continue doing all he does.
A real Tzadik. I remember when a kid got lost he arranged the searches. Where can I donate?
Checks can be made out to Chesed of Lakewood c/o rav Osher eisman
1416 Monmouth ave Lakewood, NJ 08701
I can personally verify the story mentioned in post
#4. I was the other bochur who joined bentzy on the call thursday night to the accident in Nvei Yaakov.
Bentzy is always there for people in need 24/7 . Now its our time to give back to him.