A group of hockey players from the local Jewish communities today are thanking the Toms River Police Department for their quick actions, and for taking very seriously an incident involving what appeared to be a Neo-Nazi.
During a hockey game last night, a man entered the arena and proceeded to remove his shirt, allegedly displaying Swastikas on his body, the game coordinator told TLS.
“The rink managers realized he was up to no good – they became fearful and called the cops,” the coordinator said.
The man reportedly left a short time later, just moments before multiple police officers arrived and locked down the arena.
The officers surrounded the arena and remained there for the remainder of the game, and then escorted the parties out, while gathering information from the players.
Several of the players from Jackson were even escorted back to their homes, the coordinator said.
“They were definitely overprotective, but it’s really nice,” the coordinator said. “In light of what goes on in public places with crazy people, they’re taking it seriously.”
But it turns out the man may not have been a Neo-Nazi, according to police.
Police said they were dispatched to the Winding River Ice Rink in reference to a disorderly man causing a disturbance during a Jewish Men’s Hockey Club Game.
“Employees at the ice rink stated that a white male with a shaved head and multiple tattoos entered the rink and walked past the employees while making obscene hand gestures,” Spokesman Ralph Stocco said. “He approached the ice area while taunting and making gestures towards the players. He then ripped off his shirt and continued to yell, prior to leaving in a white pickup truck 5 minutes later.”
“Initially, the officers were told that the man may have been showing a swastika tattoo once his shirt was removed. The police officers spoke to the employees; however they all add that they did not hear any specific comments made by the man in reference to the players. Several players were spoken to and they all confirm that the man was definitely out of sorts and aggressive but they heard no specific language, comments, or threats being that they were on the ice enjoying the game.”
At around 2 am, police officers located the suspect in the area of Route 37 and Route 166.
“When asked about the incident at the hockey rink, the man stated he was in the area and stopped to see if his deceased friend’s jersey was still hanging at the rink. The Jersey was not observed and this agitated him. Additionally, he was not satisfied with the skill of the players on the ice. He then taunted them, at one point ripping off his shirt to show his many hockey related tattoos. He voluntarily showed his tattoos to the officers and in fact does not appear to have any swastikas on his torso. The officers believed that the man had no knowledge of the Jewish league on the ice at the time and his arrival was random. The man was permitted to leave and the incident will be assigned to detectives who will review the case to determine the appropriate charges, if any, to be signed against the individual.”
Winding River ice rink is a very friendly place and kudos to the people in charge who acted quickly and swiftly.
There is no place for such Behavior anywhere in the United States of America
Kudos to the Winding River rink staff and Toms River police for handling this situation superbly. This neo nazi was clearly up to no good and was provoking the game participants. Instead of confronting the suspect, arena staff retreated into a safe area while calling the police and waiting on their arrival. Police scoured the area to try apprehending the suspect and sent multiple units to protect the facility as well as escorting all the players out of the arena. In light of recent anti-semetic vibes in the media, it’s comforting to experience and know that our non-Jewish friends and local police force have our backs and are standing by to protect us.
Great job! TRPD!
Thank you to all the staff @ winding river. You guys truly make the game so enjoyable and a wonderful outlet for us, from the pressures of the week.
we as players were not even aware of the event.
they truly acted swiftly and professionally in insuring our safety.
Thank you for the Toms River police for taking this seriously and their swift response!
I play there all time and have a great relationship with the great staff there (hi Eddie). Thank you all and the Toms River PD for keeping us safe,and going the extra mile.
go Invicta!
As I player there myself last night I left very safe and secure as I left the arena. Thank you very much to the Toms River Police and to the staff at Winding River
Is that protocol to escort them to their homes? Yet a Howell cop can’t escort a couple to the hospital? Something fishy here.
There is protocol and there is common sense. Unfortunately common sense is not too common in today’s society. However the Toms River Police Department have a high regard for human life (Regardless of Religion). They also have protocol’s but they also have common sense. Therefore I can’t imagine a Toms River Police officer would conduct himself in the same manner as the Howell Police officer did. I would also add that the TRPD has proven itself to be sensitive to the communities needs. Thank you TRPD!!!!! Keep up your great work!!!!
wow tr pd rocks
The headline is misleading after reading the actual article. The man in question was found and did not have any racist or inflammatory tattoos. Everyone should feel safe skating in a public rink and feel safe as a spectator. Please READ the article before jumping to the conclusion of anti sematism.
Wow. Crazy story, weather or not hae was neonazi, its still scary. The arena staff did the right thing. And, bpttom line, as @hope said: TRPD Rocks!! Period.
Not sure if this persons intent but good thinking by the staff to alert the TRPD.