This evening, Tomchi Shabbos will be holding its anual dinner at the Bais Faiga hall. The dinner, at Bais Faiga hall, will begin with a reception at 9:00 PM, followed by the program at 10:00 PM. At the event, the crowd will hear from R’ Yisroel Simcha Halevi Schorr – the Rosh Yeshivah of Ohr Sameach of Monsey, as well as from R’ Dovid Mermelstien.
There will be a continuous shuttle service from the Chemed and little league parking lots to Bais Faiga, to accommodate with parking.
Tomchei Shabbos provides hundreds of local families with food each week all year round, and have a an annual budget of over $2,000,000.
Click here for more info.
If you haven’t signed up yet for the monthly donation, now is the time. Tomchei shabbos helps people in a most dignified manner like nothing else can!
Go dovid go
It is a great organization.
Why is the dinner so late? It is very difficult for a working person that has to wake up very early every morning to attend.