Today: Pesach Sheni

pesach matzah tlsToday is Pesach Sheni. Pesach Sheni occurs each year exactly one month after Pesach. The historical purpose of this day was for those who were unable to bring the Korban Pesach on the correct date—because they were then Tamei or too far from Yerushalayim—to have a second chance to do so.

These days, due to the destruction and the lack of the Bais Hamikdash, Yidden are unable to perform the Korban Pesach, either on Pesach or on Pesach Sheni.

Some have the Minhag to mark this day by eating Matzah, in memory of the Korban.


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  1. Why dont you ever put the date and time anywhere on each post so we all know when the post was actually posted? @lkwdscoop

  2. Dear TLS Editor – I don’t know about desktop computer display but with TLS mobile the date and time do not appear even when clicking on the article.

  3. The lesson of Pesach Sheni is..”Don’t give up hope (on anything)” there is always a second chance..don’t be Meyaesh…be well

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