TONIGHT: Separate Day for Men & Boys at New Lakewood Sky Zone; Exclusive Discount, Free Ices

skyzoneVIDEO: Sky Zone trampoline park will be officially opening in Lakewood next month. But ahead of its official opening, TLS has arranged for the Lakewood community to get the first look at the place – which is already seeing near-full bookings by schools and Summer camps. The Lakewood Scoop has created a special event for Lakewood boys and men to enjoy this new and amazing facility, located right here in Lakewood on New Hampshire Avenue at Oak Street.

The event will run tonight, Monday, April 27 from 5pm-9pm. (DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUSTANCES, THE WOMEN’S EVENT WILL BE RESCEHDULED FOR A LATER DATE).

Accommodations have also been made that there be only male employees for the event.

In addition to the above, TLS has negotiated the following:

***An exclusive $3 discount for each jumper.

***No videos or pictures of women will be displayed during this private and separate event.

***Free ices for all jumpers. Spots are limited per hour, and will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis.

To take part in this private event, you must reserve online here, and fill out a waiver form. You can also reserve by calling the Events Center at 609-398-4759.



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  1. Wow – the pics are great. the place looks awesome. That clip is really lame, tho. Its a great idea to have it seperate fo men & women a few times a week all yr round, tramploline is a great exercise.

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