(Photo of meeting-click to enlarge). In a strong showing of unity and purpose, 40 leaders of local mosdos met with Michael Inzelbuch, attorney for the Lakewood Board of Education, at last night’s Igud meeting, which was held at Bais Tova. Mr. Inzelbuch delivered some good news. He assured the Igud that the BOE will return most, if not all, of the $2 Million it previously diverted from the mosdos, and that the Board has already taken corrective action on this. As reported and posted here, the Igud last week, in a strongly worded letter, demanded the return of these Title 1 Stimulus funds. The Igud has claimed that these funds were improperly diverted from the mosdos’ (nonpublic) 70% share of this year’s $5.9 Million Stimulus Title 1 grant “without our knowledge, without our input, and certainly without our approval.”
Mr. Inzelbuch also pledged that the BOE is working to provide “written answers” to the dozen questions posed in the same Igud letter. Among the concerns raised by the Igud was the BOE’s award of numerous single source, no bid contracts to Catapult Learning for provision of special education and related services. The Igud has claimed that the monopoly given to Catapult results in over-inflated program costs being charged to the District, as well as under payment for teachers, therapists and other special education professionals employed by Catapult. As well, the Igud questioned the arbitrary manner in which the District distributes Title 1 and IDEA funds to both the public and nonpublic school student populations. The Igud pointed to significant year-to-year fluctuations in the ‘proportionate’ public/nonpublic ratios as evidence of funding irregularities in what should be a stable, formula-driven allocation process. Another concern expressed in the Igud letter is that only 254 IDEA-eligible nonpublic school children in the kehilla mosdos will receive IDEA help this year out of a total of 3,011, a mere 8.4 percent, according to the BOE’s own figures. “What will happen to the other 2,757 children with disabilities (91.6%)?” the Igud wants to know. And “who will decide which 254 of the 3,011 Lakewood nonpublic school children with disabilities will receive services, and which will be denied?” the Igud wrote. Various other similar concerns remain as yet unanswered.
Title 1 assists academically at risk learners to attain and maintain grade level proficiency. IDEA helps children with learning disabilities to meet their individual special needs. Children enrolled in public or private schools are both eligible for help under these federally-funded special education programs, because the beneficiaries are the children, not the schools.
The Igud is waiting to receive the BOE answers before deciding on further action. TLS.
“the BOE will return most, if not all, of the $2 Million it previously diverted from the mosdos” Why not all of it??
Why is the IGud yeshivas charging “RENT” to catapult so that the tutors can walk into the yeshiva building. It’s a scam and its diverting tutoring hours away from our neediest children. Of course catapult has a 40% overhead when they have to pay “rent” to certain yeshivas.
Help!!! The Catapult Teachers are suffering. Please help us!!!
Thank you TLS and Chesky Zeitler for finally bringing this issue into the open. We have been silently suffering for years.
that’s it only 2 million???
what happened with all the other millions of diverted funds from all the other grants and kickbacks that grant writers and receivers got?
did tuition go down as a result of all this?
I was at the meeting and MI explained that the districts title 1 application was revised a month ago and the state hasn’t updated the web site with the revised application. So this whole accusation was based on erroneous info. I think the hockers at the igud should get their facts straight before wasting my time and causing me to miss night seder.
So does this mean that the TINY TOTS contract is being cancelled ? Please explain what exactly changed . Thank you
So it seems like mi is on the same page as all of us in town so what happened to allthose people that were cursing mi out.
It was only revised because of the Hockers . Everybody admits that without the hack and oversight by some Igud members ,nothing would ever have gotten done . It is true that because of a lack of trust ,there might be some accusations that turn out to be incorrect . The bottom line is ,if the BOE and the atty had not allowed these shenanigans that were finally caught over the last several years ,then there would not be this lack of trust that causes these accusations in the first place .
Its the old rule . You can only be dan lecaf zchus if you assume the other side means well .
Yoni Sanders, if its really you, which I seriously doubt, Strange that Mr Inzelbuch met with the LAC just this past friday. He did NOT come up with that piece of MONTH-OLD news then. Why? Because it did not happen until the Igud wrote, demanding return of the diverted money! Secondly, a revision to the Title 1 Grant application requires BOE formal action, when was that done IF the District already changed it a month ago. At which Board Meeting? Show us the Minutes. Third, if you were really there last night you would have one criticism. Mr Inzelbuch made it very, very clear he is not parting ways with Catapult until Moshiach comes, and gave one excuse after another. As has been his method for years. The Igud has its work cut out, and we need MORE Igud (and LAC) involvement, and less Inzelbuch cheerleaders.
When confronted by an angry crowd ,you get to be on the same page pretty fast
First of all, NO mosad that I know of including my own charges a penny to Catapult to use our space. Please sop spreading ridiculous rumors.
“Yoni Sanders”
I don’t know who you are, you cant be R’ Yonasan Sanders, because you of all know what a lame excuse Michael gave us.
So someone is actually using R’ Sanders name to portray a falsehood.
Shame on you.
U sound just like yoni silver and who is mi to answer any questions to the lac there a bunch of little kids with no good attentions and fyi mi was in court on friday with my case so don’t know how they met with him and for some reason rabbi sanders is backing mi because he knows what he does not like u little lac members straight out of the bmg coffee room!!!!
I see tls understands that mi runs the boe even the heading says “inzelbuch…” What ever it is he is always looking to help this town in anyway.
What does Herschel think about all of this?
Please relax. I got this all figured out. The Igud has finally come of age. Just listen to what I tell you and you will end up happy. trust me on this.
Give it back!!!
This is NOT a referendum on MI. It is about the loss of many millions of federal state and local taxpayer dollars to Tiny Tots and Catapult in no-bid sweetheart deals. It is about zero transparency on BOE business, It is about zero accountability. It is about how the BOE has a pervasive culture of corruption. It is about how they get away with murder, year after year, as we keep voting them in. What’s any of that got to do with MI???
I give it about 20 minutes before the LAC tries to take credit for this.
Some schools DO charge rent in order have more receivables which obviously makes for a better financial statement. Unfortunately, the costs go up for everyone and when there isn’t enough money left for those that also need it, these same schools start screaming.
all this means is more $$ for the guys on top to share among themselves the little guys on bottom get nothing and tuition goes up. same with all other govt grants in town for other social services.
When you hear the words “trust-me”, is a red flag (you will be taken to the cleaners. ask Rothstein, Madoff, etc (trrrrrust me-you’ve been had big time!)
its been over an hour already! Nu!
Go Chesky Zeitler Go!!
This IS all about MI bc he is the lawyer for Catapult AND he is the lawyer for the BOE. All the problems that this town has with the TI money etc is clearly bc of him.
And all the hockers shoulsd just stop already. youre not going to win anyways
The others in the IGUD are obviously scamming you. If you don’t know that they are on the take.
I suggest you wake up and smell the coffee.
Guess my name is also michael inzelbuch I think lkwd rocks!!!!
why are you not posting my question to michael what about his salary
does anybody know were the public listing of boe salaries are so we can look up what micale got paid from the boe last year
Is your question how much does michael make?
I heard that he makes 10k a week but I don’t think u will get a answer he probably doesn’t look at this web site
i think you are taking sides by not posting fare clean questions to michale such as how much he gets paid a year with our tax $$$$$
we need a complete CHANGE all machers paid and non paid from top to bottom, we need to hire GULLINI to come on board in TOWN and BOE
TLS, you’ree not living up to your reputation. where’s all the mi bashing already.. I just can’t believe you actually did teshuvah!
R we next?
Ha… Giulliani will charge more then all of them put together
flu H1n1 shots right now at the OHI truck opposite bagel nosh
Well yes people that work for this town get your tax dollars.
Is that cholent on the table?
Where can i go for the leftovers?
the scam goes on !!
B-41. May private school officials order or purchase materials and supplies needed for the Title I program and be reimbursed by an LEA?
No. Private school officials have no authority to obligate or receive Title I funds. The statute clearly states that the LEA must maintain control of Title I funds, materials, equipment, and property. No Title I funds may be paid to a private school.
B-48. Are private schools required to make space available in their schools for Title I services?
No. If space is not available in a private school, or if the private school chooses not to make its facilities available to the LEA for this purpose, Title I services must be provided in another location. The LEA still has the responsibility of providing equitable Title I services for private school children under these circumstances, although the services would be at a location outside the private school. The extra costs of providing services at a location outside the private school would be taken “off-the-top” of the LEA’s Title I allocation before funds are allocated for instructional services for public and private school children.
are we next?
is cleaning up the town of corruption. Learn your Holy Scriptures young man. Then go to Ninveh (Mosul) and see how one town averted disaster. It is not about protecting the guilty.
Please stop the comments as nothing posted here makes sense, its a very complex situation which would take hours to explain
why is michael inzelbuch single single handedly running the boe? his job is boe attorney, NOT to run the entire operation!? can someone out there tell me is this how its done in all other towns? that the board attorney has complete control of the entire bank account, spending, budgets etc? sound like a huge conflict of interest an a very big red flag.
can we get a question asked about why BOE can’t cover bus monitors in their insurance?
Igud member, can you call your insurance co & find out what it would cost, for example?
I suggest that the Igud offer to cover the charge for the monitors.. this way we can see them do something for the tzibbur also.
Takeh, you bring up a simple but huge question – why is the boe atty in full control of the entire boe??!! Dosent sound like the norm. And sounds very worrysome to have one guy in charge of millions of our tax money (I think boe is more then half our taxes)
send a letter to your school administrator and ask him to bring it up at the next Igud meeting . They will take it seriously and bring it up with the BOE
The reason he is in control is because most of the members dont treally have any idea and have basically put him in control
Maybe if we would put more senoirs on the board who have the time to understand teh BOE and its runnings they might be able to control teh BOE and not the attorney controoling everything
The reason he is in control is because he shaped up the whole lkwd boe and schools system and most boe att don’t do we he does they come get paid and leave I once had a problem and michael told me to call him on hi HOUSE phone at night thanks michael a appreciate lkwd parent with a special needs kid.
michel is a tzadik. i heard that there is a looooong line if people outside his house begging MECHILA!
I spoke with one of the head officials in the state dept of education while he was in AC for a conference, if the set up with MI being a one man show is the norm. he answered that it is absolutely NOT the norm and borders on illegal. He strongly felt the Board should have the say and the att should advise. not the otherway around. We will all be able to change this in April when we vote in 4 members to the boe.
It would appear to me that the the question here is of a legal nature, as far as the permissibility of what gets distributed where. So you would obviously want to ask the legal maven to provide a coherent explanation for Board decisions. I think the administrators are lucky the atty was gracious enough to give them time at night when he would otherwise be together with his family. I have yet to hear a public Thank You from any of them. I’m not so sure they would receive the same reception in a different town. I also hope that at least the teachers would educate the children to have a sense of proper courtesy..
I was there last night!!
If you tell your kid to go outsside to catch the bus but instead he catches swine flu since there were no shots and there were not enough shots because you were only allowed one gun per month but if you could make a left on madison you wouldn’t need a gun since the crime only happens on forest since we all know that forests are filled with criminals or is that squirrels. Oh yeah there is a squirrel in my attic where I keep all my old paintings. There is one of the chofetz chaim up there. I took it down because I felt guilty every time I spoke loshon horah. Which I seem to be speaking less of now that I can just type it on my blackberry which I never understood why its not called a raspberry. Come to think of it I don’t understand what is really going on here as well ,and neither do most of you.
i would suggst that before you say how unfairs it is what MI is getting, please find out what he does for the Kehilla.
It is very easy to take pot shots at someone and then hide behind a pen name.
Anyone who wants to call me, may do so. I will expalin to you in detail what he has done for the Kehilla. But there is a condition: If after the meeting, you will agree that MI is not what you thought him to be, then if you see others that are besmirching him, you will tell him/her the facts.
So from this article all 3011 students have special needs. wow that is much higher than the overall population of Lakewood public schools. What causes all the special needs?
thanks for everything michael
To Meir Grunhut,
‘what MI does for the Kehilla? He awards no-bid contracts for tens of millions to his friends. He runs the BOE single handedly; the Board is a rubber stamp. They admit they have no clus what’s going on (all except YS). He bullies and is rodef anyone who stands up for her/his child’s rights to special ed or saervices. He blackmailed his way into his job. He engineered the recent theft of Two Million Dollars from Title 1 nonpublic mosdos money, shall we go on and on? And you know all the above to be true. But you decided to turn a blind eye. Day of reckoning is approaching. Where will you hide?? in Philadelphia?
To number #11: Instead of hiding behind a pen name, why don’t you say your name?
All you did was show yourself to be clueless as to what is really happening. It is very obviosu that you don’t have any facts. If you are sincere, you can call me to hear the facts. My work number is: 732-746-1008
Why hide behind generalities and slogans. Why not get specific. Let’s debate it here in an open forum. Names do NOT matter, only Fact so. Here are some specifics.
Will the BOE return the stolen Two Million to our Mosdos. Why did 2/3 of the Stimulus T1 money go to Public Schools but 2/3 of the Regular T1 go to NonPublic Schools. What ids the ratio of PS to NPS and why the different proportionate shares? Who authorized this diversion. The BOE voted on it. Why did you vote w/o knowing what you are doing. What were you and the other members of the BOE told by MI or anyone else to justify this geneiva?
Why do I have to call you? If your conscience is clear, why don’t you post the answers here. Do you have any answers? if so post. if not, have the integrity and decency to admit ignorance and complicity.
kabel es HaEmes Mimi She’Omra. NAMES DO NOT MATTER. Let’s see if you have the courage to offer some answers instead of silly dodge and rhetoric. Let’s face it: The only transparency on the LBOE is the transparency of the lies. Time to wake up. You are very much part of the problem, as an enabler.
3,011 children with disabilities in the frum community is not more than the total public school population, which is approx 5,000.
the 3,011 figure is within range, at 15% of the 20,000 frum children. That is quite typical. Question is why does the BOE report the non-public population with 35% ‘disabled’. That number is way too high and ‘highly’ suspect. Was it just fabricated to pull federal money away from the nonpublic (frum) population? This question was posed to the BOE by the IGUD, so far No Answer. Maybe Meir Grunut will step up to the plate with an answer, since he claims there is no monkey business, no data manipulation, and no diversion of funds from our mosdos, regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I was just told that Catalpult teachers all had to sign a non-competition agreement forbidding them to work for any competing business for two years. That means that if that contract cannot be broken, there will be no certified teachers available in Lakewood for two years (not to mention all these families lose their parnosah). Even though new Special Ed teachers may be coming into town every zman, they can’t get certified until they are mentored by a certified teacher.
All those concerned about our special needs children and our Kollel families being supported by special ed teachers, let’s daven that somebody knows how to break that contract….