In an exclusive statement to The Lakewood Scoop, Governor Murphy’s office moments ago responded to the secret Project Veritas video released last night.
“This video does not depict any member of the administration, or anyone involved in public health policy,” the Governor’s office told TLS. “The Governor’s office cannot speak to the video or anyone involved. The Administration has never had plans, nor is it making plans, for a blanket COVID-19 vaccine mandate.”
The office added, “The Governor has consistently worked in partnership with the Orthodox community and will continue to do so. Governor Murphy has been honest and upfront about all public health measures implemented to save lives and fight the pandemic.“
Thank you gov for understanding our community’s needs. #hakarashatov
Interesting how he ran from the camera TWICE when asked about the video in person, and then go ahead and give some lousy statement.
Mr. Gov why the need to respond to baseless campaign smearing videos
Why is this changing your mind not to vote for an anti tora anti family pro tax governor?
Both candidates are anti-Torah. We don’t live in Moshiach’s times yet.
But right now, it seems that Murphy has more practical solutions for Lakewood’s issues. Pie-in-the-sky ‘vouchers’ are another way of saying, “I will do nothing for your town”.
When someone promises you the moon, you know he is not planning on giving you a thing.
Read up on this, the entire project is a fake. But they do a great job spreading false info.
Although I agree that the project is fake, I wouldn’t trust Wikipedia to tell me what is fake or not. Any left wing liberal could put something in it, as long as they source it from some liberal news site.
I don’t think you know who these guys are. They are the real deal, and they’ve been around for quite a while.
You get you information from wikipedia?!?!
Enough said.
I guess the scoop got the real news!
Looks like this sheep at the Lakewood scoop are trying to drag him over the finish line. Have you even bothered watching the video? He’s lying through his teeth! The people interviewed are part of his campaign. They know what’s going on! If he didn’t like what they were saying he would have fired them immediately. This is what he is planning on doing. He is a leftist. If you vote for him you seriously have issues. Don’t give me this garbage about how we need to be nice to him because he turned the blind eye to us during the height of covid. He was lying to us about the numbers also. Those numbers were out in the open. It’s the same numbers that are now. Right now the positive rate in New Jersey is 0.09% but he’ll tell you the number is higher!
I urge every voter to watch the video, both videos in fact. Project veritas does not lie. People have tried to sue them before claiming that they lie but project veritas has not lost a case yet!
It is the governor who is lying through his teeth!
As per his statement – Murphy has no plans for a “blanket mandate”, and there’s no reason to think he’s lying. A “blanket mandate” would include everyone in the population – even newborn infants – even Murphy wouldn’t mandate that.
But anyone else or any other group is a perfect target for Murphy’s impending mandates.
How can they say the video doesn’t depict any member of the administration if they clearly are in his administration? Or maybe he just fired them so he can say that. In any case… this is political clean up and a very poor one at that… how little does murphy think of lakewood that he believes we would believe this denial. Really sad.
I never heard of this mandate. But it sounds like a great idea. If he’s saying that he won’t do it, perhaps we should vote for a governor that will.
@Steven, I admire you for keeping up the good fight. Your feelings are the feelings of the real world out there. Our community has been living in some bubble, influenced by fringe far right opinions, as far as COVID is concerned.
Nice try Murphy, I’ll trust your משיח לפי תומו campaign workers….
Every Democrat-controlled state WILL have a mandate requiring kids to get the vaccine, now that its FDA approved. New Jersey included.
Its just common sense.
Will Murphy decree a general mandate, too? From the video (for some odd reason, the Scoop didn’t post it anywhere; you’ll have to look around to watch it) it seems that, yes, he will.
So when 2 nobodies say something then that means it is an absolute fact that the governor is bound to and he will without any doubt implement it. Got it. However, when donald j. trump repeatedly promised the good people of this country a wall on the southern border and that Mexico would pay for it… well how is that wall working out for us? Politicians lie, lie and lie and lie. All they do is lie. But at the very least it should be a brazen lie that they themselves have been saying in public on camera so you can call them a hypocrite and maybe hold their feet to the fire… vs 2 nobodies “caught” on a hidden camera. Project veritas is a scam, funded by a nut job. It’s not truth, it’s the type of truth that would have made Mr Goebbels very proud. Anyway, forget all this stupidity and vote your conscience. For me that is Jack but everyone should make up their own minds and leave this veritas yellow journalism in the garbage where it belongs.
Murphy is a liar, look at what he did in the nursing homes, than lied about it. This man can not be trusted.
I have been following Project Veritas for a long time, they tell and show it how it is. Murphy is a tyrant, do not believe anything he has to say.
Do not believe anything Murphy says, look at what he did in the nursing homes. He is only saying that until he gets in. Project Veritas has the video that tells it all, there is nothing fake about it.
Anyone who is voting for Murphy is blind to what is going on in America. This guy is a sly fox waiting for the moment he gets elected to mandate all he can, raise your taxes…. Where are peoples brains ? Voting for a leftist with a sick agenda . It’s better if you people don’t bother voting , and stop listening to those higher ups in the community that tell you whom to vote for, they of course are using you to get their funding for all their “ important” projects. Stop being the pawn to push liberal ideas
Please think about Torah values when you vote. Murphy is not on that path.
No politician is on that path… you are not voting for a Rosh Yeshiva…
The point is not how they conduct themselves personally. It is about whether or not they want to force an immoral anti-halacha agenda down everyone’s throats.
I would definitely trust Murphy’s campaign workers if they were Moshiach. But more likely than not they are not Moshiach. That’s not how you spell masiach lefee toomo.
And Biden said during campaign “there will be no vaccine mandates” ????
There is a 2nd video if Murphy himself in person is apprpched and refuses to answer the question especially while being videoed. Do trust the man. Say it live if it’s true to all. What do you have to hide if not for everything is about before the election vs after. Why release a statement to TLS vs answering in person when approached
If you believe Murphy, I have a bridge to sell you, @Stevenn keep wearing your mask inside and never leave your house, and never interact with anyone, what chicken little idiocy. Vote Murphy out of office.
Debbie, Deborah. If you’re not sure people will pay attention to what you say, make sure to say it twice.
So very interesting,
First of all they were not to nobodies. These are people that are high up in their campaign. A nobody would have been somebody like you who has nothing to do with anything. There is a major difference .
You want to talk President Trump? I could talk President Trump with you. We had a wall, be at a physical wall or an electronic wall but there was a wall nonetheless that was going up between the two countries. Unfortunately your beloved Joe Biden who unfortunately belongs in a nursing home, stopped any of that the minute he got into office. I don’t know what he did faster, stop of the wall or kill our economy by stopping the gas pipelines.
I am still voting for Murphy in line with the Vaad instructions.
Yes. It is spelled like I wrote it.
מֵשִׁיחַ לְפִי תֻמּוֹ
Mr. Murphy, by lying with this statement, you are proving our point that you cannot be trusted in anything. You have done nothing for us or NJ and it is high time for you to move on…Goodbye!
At the debate, Murphy compared being unvaccinated to drunk driving.
It’s clear where he stands on this.
Of course he will mandate as soon as he can
Governor, We sued in Court to open the Shuls, and we won.
Governor, if this statement would be your first and last misleading statement, we would all forgive you in a heart-beat, But! you know, and we all know your real intentions.
A friend of mine secretly recorded one of Murphy’s campaign officials. Here is the transcript of their conversation as presented to me by my friend.
Friend: “So Murphy does not support a blanket COVID-19 mandate?”
Campaign Official: “That’s right. If there are some elderly people who feel cold at the time of vaccination, they can request a blanket, but Murphy will not mandate this. The state of New Jersey doesn’t even have enough blankets to give out to so many people! So, this accusation is mere hearsay, and has no validity whatsoever. Don’t trust these people who manipulate people’s words.”
Friend: “Appreciate that. Thank you for your time.”
Campaign official: “You can turn off your tape recorder now, if you wish, you’re wasting your batteries.”
Friend: “Thank you. You’re always thinking about the other guy, and I appreciate that.”
Campaign official: “The pleasure’s all mine. And by the way, Walmart is having a big sale on blankets right now, if you’re interested. But I’m not pushing you on the matter, just informing you.
Friend: “Thanx”
If he only gave a response to the lakewoodscoop, ot is because he knows he will lose our vote on this. The fact that there is not a public response it means he is not being honest.
lkwd scoop does not put up the video or anything about it only murphys response……..
@lkwdscoop stop covering for him!!!
Will murphy go on record and promise that there will never be a vaccine mandate in NJ under his watch always a good idea to listen to what they dont say rather than what they say
I can’t understand how ANYONE can endorse or vote for Murphy.
He’s a sly tyrant who has abused Lakewood. He cut BOE and other funding, raised taxes, and even sent NJSP to enforce his clearly pointless lockdowns (for those who don’t know real data, it’s clear for over a year that lockdowns made things worse) draggedyidden out of their backyard minyonim, locked up shuls, and plenty more.
He’s done an abysmal job running NJ (salting the roads for fog, but not during snow, the MVC, just to name a few) and raised NJ debt and taxes like crazy, but still gives out millions to political friends and their golf courses.
He lost against R Knopfler in US Supreme Court, so he had to back up a bit, but he’s just another rich billionaire tyrant-Cuomo who cares about himself. Not NJ.
I have yet to hear any real thing he did good for Lakewood. Hakoras hatov for what??? That he didn’t do what the court told him not to? That he didn’t completely violate the US Conatitution, but only partially? No one is offerring EVEN 1 specific thing to be makir tov for.
Do you hire someone who’s good or someone who’s wrecked your house, but gave you a 2% discount on fixing what he broke?
Those in the video are his campaign advisers.
And Murphy says he’ll raise taxes again… Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l – there’s a special place in Gehinnom for those who encourage, help or vote for those who raise taxes on klal yisroel. ’nuff said.
(oh, and the new video release is $200MILLION for illegals. From taxpayer money. but we can’t even get back the DOE money he cut for our yeshivos…
New video out gov Murphy direcly refuses to answer journalist questions about mandates
It is most definitely not spelled that way, see kesuvos 27b and yevamos 121b (vesham nisman gittins vechulo) for example.
Do not vote for Murphy! I work for the public school system and he already ruined us. Instead of being able to do our jobs on Wednesdays, unvaccinated staff members need to drive to another location in the district at a designated time to get tested for covid. Instead of principals being able to run their schools they need to be busy creating schedules for unvaccinated teachers to get tested. Murphy=less freedom+more issues.
So go and get vaccinated.
That was simple.
there was just another casualty from the pfizer shot in Eretz Yisrael this past Friday. A Bochur from Toronto took the shot and died two days later. Friday was the levaya on Shamgar… how many times does this have to happen before we realize not to take it?! there is a facebook page for all the bad reactions people in israel had from this shot, do you think they are all fake facebook accounts? 100 comments a day!
He’s going to win anyway. So let’s vote for him and show we’re on his side..
And if hitler would run and be likely to win, you would vote for him too? So you throw all your morals and values in the trash and vote with whoever is leading in the polls? OK … but some of us still have some values left.
Does anyone know what Rav Avigdor Miller Z”TzL held about voting? Did any gedolim disagree?