The 30th District race for Assembly is now neck-and-neck, with a nearly even number of voters turning out so far in support of Avi Schnall and Ned Thomson.
In a race like this, every single vote is critical. Don’t stand aside and hope for the next person to cast the winning ballot. Don’t be complacent about Lakewood’s lack of funding – now is your chance to make a true, lasting difference.
Voting takes just a couple of minutes, and as our gedolim have told us, doing so is critical to ensuring that our voices will be heard in the seat of power in New Jersey’s capital, Trenton.
Get up and vote! Lakewood’s future depends on it!
Paid for by Schnall for 30th Assembly
That’s right, Lakewood, keep voting for Democrats.
Every vote for a Democrat even at the State Assembly level gives chizuk to Murphy and Booker.
Every competent political pundit advises to vote Republican up and down the ballot.
That’s right, keep on publicly demeaning the opinion of our Talmidei Chachomim who endorsed Schnall & expect to keep your chelek in Olom Habah. At least you did your part for the Republican party. Is that all you’re here for?
Shame on you for replacing Eretz Yisrael with Schnall
Actually, it was our ad department that mistakenly pinned this article – which we undid as soon as it was noticed.
‘Shame on you’ though for not being Dan Lekaf Zchus, and not realizing we kept the Tehillim article pinned since the war broke out.
Shots fired
May I suggest in the future using full sentences and respectful language other than “Shame on you”? After all, Divrei Chachamim b’nachas….
Speaking derisively to others reveals far more about your own lack of intelligence than their flaws or missteps.
Maybe in the future you can branch out and say intelligent things like..
I believe the news about Eretz Yisroel is more important than…..
Altho- one could also argue that comments like you demonstrating clear lack of Ahavas Yisroel are why we have Hamas attacks in the first place…Shame on you!
when the result
If this is an ad why does it not say so in the headline. Very deceptive piece.
Scnal is an Agudah guy. no ?