What do you do with your cigarette when you’re done with it while driving? Well one thing’s for sure, don’t throw it out of your car. A Lakewood motorist tells TLS he was pulled over on a local road and the cop tells him he was doing 50 in a 35 zone.
“I know I was going about 40, but I was not going to argue”, the driver says.
“Then he says he saw me throw a cigarette out of the window”, he relates. “He comes back telling me I gave you off for the speeding”, and then handed him a $230 summons for littering. TLS-MK.
Wow. I was expecting a flow of comments from what I would have expected from all the usuals on this site saying things like “well, he deserves it cause he shouldn’t be smoking” or “he should have gotten a ticket for smoking in public for all the young bochrim to see”. Well maybe the TLS commenters are reaching new maturity levels or they are just at a BOE protest with picket signs
to #! sorry but i dont waste my time waiting to be the 1 st to comment on ever post. go get a life. now for my respoce. HE SHOULDNT BE SMOKING!!
the guy shud b thankful he didnt get a speeding ticket which wud prob end up costing ab the same + ponits..
This is old news. Its happened many times before. Not newsworthy
Its a lot better than trying to flick it out the window and it blows back into your car. I almost crashed 2 times doing 80 mph like that.
Didn’t know that there are still yiddin that smoke.
Where does it say he is a yid??
it doesn’t matter what religion you are. there are so many things lots of people shouldn’t be doing, but they’re doing it.
i don’t like it when other people smoke, but i don’t waste my time telling them what to do. all i can do is think about myself and that fact that i do not smoke and never have in my life. people need to focus on their own lives instead of commenting on other’s lives unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary.
Headline should read: Nice Officer gives driver a break on a moving violation and gives him a citation for a non moving violation.
It happens all the time, and I for one appreciate the kind gesture from the Police Officer. (And I thank the Officer as well for it.)
Dont Speed
Dont Smoke
Both will save your life!
The first from having your body mangled in a metal mess
The second from black tar and cancerous growths taking over your lungs to the point where they can no longer process oxygen and every day feels like your head is under water.
Don’t forget the family and friends you will leave behind devastated by the loss of someone so young who was such a good person.
Good. I am so tired of cigarette butts on my front lawn. Its disgusting. Why do people think its ok to throw butts out the window of their car? I dont care if they dont make ashtrays in cars anymore. Thats your problem, not mine.
this happened to me
Do you know how many forest fires were caused by stupid people who tossed lit butts out the car windor?
CLASSIC lakewood comments here
Sounds like the police are really busy.
According to New Jersey Law, “Throwing trash, debris or rubbish from a moving or parked vehicle is illegal. Litter is a safety hazard and an eyesore. Fines of up to $1,000 may be imposed on motorists found throwing dangerous objects from a vehicle onto a roadway. If the vehicle is moving when litter is thrown, the motorist may lose his/her license. All trash, debris or rubbish carried in a vehicle must be covered to keep it from littering the roadway (N.J.S.A. 39:4-63, 39:4-64)”
P.S. Driving 40 in a 35 is STILL speeding. (Note the word speed LIMIT) Be grateful that the police officer gave you a ticket for a non moving violation. You would have gotten 2 POINTS on your driver’s license.
of course the police are busy. it’s their job to be busy. i mean, hey if you want an officer to join you for a fun weekend with your family or some other fun activity like that then you might need to wait for him to be available. not trying to sound sarcastic here but i feel that people should have respect for cops. they work very hard at what they do and deserve a lot of credit for it.
now for the cops who don’t do the right things and get in trouble for it, it is a shame but cops are humans too with feelings. they’re not perfect.
Altho I quit smoking 27 years ago, it still effected my health. I’ve had bladder cancer and heart problems all related to smoking When I protested that I quit many years ago, the doctor said “If you still smoked you’d be dead.” With the knowledge we have today, smoking is not an intelligent activity.
such a stupid fine what are you supposed to do with the butt? you could try to keep a cup with water in your car, i like to do that on longer trips so you dont have to worry about the cig coming back in every time. for the guy who didnt know yidden still smoke, what a lame stab at smoking. this cop is nice for letting you off for the speeding but usaly if they let you off for one thing your getting hammered for something else unless of course the cops daughter got saved by hatsolah
could use a smoke right now….. live and let live, dont eat steak, shwarama or cholont or kishka bec its unhealthy! dont eat while you drive bec you might get fat and have your belly hit the staring wheel.
#1- you got what you asked for!!!! lol!! and i really agree with you!!!