Three Major Losses For Klal Yisroel In Just One Day

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It feels like 9-11. Our twin towers fell!
These Tzadikim were not just Tzadikim, they were links to the light of the previous generations. We are all but cut off from the world that was, and we are Yesomim in the dark!!!! We need Mashiach, and the NEW generation of Or Chodosh Al Tzion Ta’ir. Hashem, please, let it be already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before they were niftar, did anyone pay attention to them? Did we say, “oh those old men, we know better”? Do we appreciate and listen to the talmidei chachamim that we have? or are we busy giving them our own brilliant ideas and questioning those who are supposed to be our leaders? Who has our ears, the talmidei chachamim or every idiot with a big mouth, or worse?!
Wake up Yiddin! Realize that our very livelihood depends on our talmidei chachomim, not just our spirituality. Let us learn to respect the leaders that Hashem chose for us, those who selflessly devote themselves to learning and teaching the Dvar Hashem, like these 3 gedolim who have left us. Let us allow them to lead us, and follow their direction, like we say “SHMA Yisrael.”
May Hashem open our hearts in full teshuva and bring us out of this galus.
In Parshas Mikeitz, after Yoseif Hatzadik successfully interprets Paroh’s dreams, he adds the statement that Hashem transmitted the message in two different dreams for emphasis. In other words, Paroh might have ignored the message if he had only dreamt a single dream.
We have just experienced the petirah of not two but three great Gedolim, all from the same dreaded coronavirus. Will the oilom now pause to consider whether Hashem is screaming down from the heavens, to shock us into finally acknowledging that we have to adhere to safety guidelines? How many wakeup calls are needed to restore us to our senses???
Before Corona happened, were we listening to the corona guidelines?
What was Hashem screaming then?!
I have no hasaga what you’re sputtering about. Does anybody recall a single instance before Corona in which three huge Gedolim were niftar from the same Machla on the same day?