Thousands Spend The Night And Friday Morning Grabbing Black Friday Deals

PHOTOS: Thousands spent hours at big box stores late last night and early this morning to get in on the deals they’ve been waiting for, even if it meant standing on their feet for hours. Walmart in Howell filled its parking lot early yesterday evening as customers lined up to get inside when the doors opened at 9PM.

At Best Buy, pictured, hundreds waited on line to try and get in when the store opened at midnight.

Many Frum Shoppers also took advantage of the Black Friday deals.

“I was at Freehold mall at 4:30 AM”, says a Frum shopper, “I got what I needed and was in Shul at 7:00 AM”.

Despite the thousands of shoppers trying to get in on the deals, most area stores remianed quite peaceful according to reports.

A shopper tells TLS Howell Police were on scene at the Walmart in Howell for crowd control.

In a Los Angeles Walmart, a woman used pepper spray on about 20 other shoppers in order to keep them from grabbing her long awaited deals, according to reports. TLS. Photo Credit: Chrissy Wells/LR.

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  1. If only they can put those energies towards learning. Or the women putting the energy toward making good Chulent l’kovod Shabbos… This world will be a better place. What a shame.

  2. Its sad that people are ready to stand and wait hours and hours just to save a few dollars. Isn’t your time more valuable than that? Its not like we are talking about saving thousands…. Maybe $100-$200…..
    Anyway, back to work!

  3. Although it may not be a straight out aveirah, and I certainly disagree with the poster who said about putting the energy towards shabbos, as most women I know work long and hard to make a beautiful shabbos for their families, it is somewhat disheartening for the frum world to fall prey to the commercialism that affects the secular world.

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