By: Avi Aaron. Yom Kippur is Hashem’s day. Consequently, Yom Kippur itself is atonement for us. It is a day of repentance, forgiveness and the heavens are wide open to us. Hashem patiently waits for our sincere repentance and He will respond to any positive signals that we send. We need only answer the call.
The Arizal tells us an awe-inspiring thing. When we put on the talis on Yom Kippur night, we don’t have to make a bracha. (We don’t rule like that, the Halacha requires that we do make a brocha on the talis). The Ramchal elucidates that on this day “the talis” isn’t ours, rather it is Hashem that is “wrapping us.” This is kaviyochol a borrowed talis that one doesn’t make a brocha on. Because all the holiness and Siyata Dishmaya on this most magnificent of days emanates from Hashem.
Chazal tell us that when Moshiach comes all the holidays will be annulled except Purim. Rabbi Eliezer adds Yom Kippur, as well. The reason is that both holidays are symbolic of Klal Yisroel hovering at the brink of death and destruction and then being miraculously revived and rejuvenated as before.
Did you ever witness some catastrophic event and feel an overwhelming amount of mercifulness and compassion pouring from your heart. It tugged at your heartstrings and made you want to do the world to help. Maybe they were Holocaust pictures or videos that made you cry in grief and feel so sympathetic towards these helpless victims suffering so much cruelty. Nothing you have ever felt can come close to the mercy that Hashem feels towards us, his most beloved children. Hashem’s mercy and compassion is vast and enormous and encompasses every facet of kindness, care and concern that is possible.
And it is specifically because of that compassion that Hashem wants us to probe ourselves and ask forgiveness for all that we’ve done wrong. Like the doting father who is trying to help his child learn from his mistakes and encourage his growth, Hashem wants us to take inventory and thereby be able to come out stronger and wiser.
This Yom Kippur don’t squander away the day counting down the minutes or inhaling smelling salts, seize every single moment. You have a sea of infinite compassion at your disposal and the opportunity of a lifetime. For one day at least it’s all about possibilities; sky high possibilities. Ask for it no matter how impossible it might seem.
However don’t just daven for yourself. Daven for others: those that need parnassah, shidduchim, children nachas from their kids etc. Daven for our “family” around the world specifically in Eretz Yisroel.
…And if you have an extra minute, please daven for our Father. Yes our dear loving Father in Heaven who cares so much about us and only longs to be reunited once again with his heilige kinderlach…now and forever more.
Gmar Chasima Tovah & an easy fast!
This was a GREAT piece. I was brought to tears. Thanks for this vort.
i think that painting is a chagall
wow! thank you so much for the inspiration! how beautiful!
what about fact & trueth in todays world….!!!
Beutiful encouraging words..thnku..a gmar toiv