Reader-submitted: Jews around the world will celebrate the beauty of Shabbos together this week, and this invitation goes out to all Jews. Whether you’re Yeshivish, Litvish, Chaseidish,
The details are as follows:
Shabbos of Chizuk As part of “The Shabbos Project” Great Food, Inspiring Words, Uplifting Atmosphere Positive Energy.
Roth Residence 20 Miller Road Lakewood, NJ.
Friday Night Mincha 5:55 PM Kabbalos Shabbos Carlbach Style
Oneg Shabbos 9:30PM
Shabbos Afternoon Mincha 5:20PM Roth Residence 20 Miller Road Shalos Seudos with zemiros following Mincha
Havdala with Guitar and Music led by Moshe Fund
This invitation goes out to all Jews from all backgrounds and walks of life. Come join us for an awesome Shabbos, meet some great people and be uplifted.
This is a beautiful thing. I submitted my invite to the project site. But no one called me. If u know of someone who needs a meal or place to stay, post it here & I’ll get in touch. Also, if the oilam would like a havdalah experience in the Coventry area Im happy to host it. No speeches, tho.
And , BTW, Dr. Daniel & Rebbitzen Roth Rock !! Much Hatzlocha.
Thank you to the Roths for hosting such a special event. I’m sure all those who participate will be inspired.