by M.K. There are 720 hours in a month. Can you spare 2? This is becoming the all-new motto in Lakewood with the launching of an exciting chessed organization. The Sarah Gluck Respite Program, which is opening in conjunction with Bikur Cholim of Lakewood, is a volunteer-based chessed organization helping those in their time of need. Volunteers will take shifts with all aged patients in various local hospitals to decrease the burden placed on families and make their difficult situations slightly more bearable.
This idea was borne after seeing Mrs. Sarah Gluck a”h run an incredible one-woman chessed organization. Friends and strangers alike were no different in her eyes. Mrs. Gluck was someone who anticipated the needs of others and was always one step ahead figuring out how to help them.
Women and girls will gather on Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, December 7, at Congregation Ishay Yisroel, at the corner of New Central Avenue and Miller Road, to initiate this new program. Come share the warmth and sign up as a volunteer, enjoy delectable dairy desserts, and hear from renowned mechaneches and kallah teacher Mrs. Debbie Selengut, who will speak on the topic of “Chessed: Can One Person Really Make A Difference?” Attendees will also be addressed by Mrs. Breindy Brisk, who will talk about “The Impact of a Volunteer.”
To join The Sarah Gluck Respite Program and volunteer your time, please call Frayde Yudkowsky at 732.905.3020 extension 128 or email [email protected]. If you would like to request volunteer services from The Sarah Gluck Respite Program, please call Mrs. Miriam Gross at 732.905.3020 extension 129 or email [email protected].
If you were helped by volunteers of this sort in the past and wish to ease the plight of others in similar situations, consider sending a tax-deductible donation to The Sarah Gluck Respite Program, care of Bikur Cholim of Lakewood, 93 Prospect Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Checks can be made out to Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim.
Fraidy and Mrs. Gross, what a wonderful cause! May Hash-m bentch you with Bracha V’Hatzlacha in this endeaver and in your personal lives as well, for every minute of respite you facilitate for every family.