VIDEOS (WITH RAFFLE) (Part 1, Part 2) of Thursday night’s weekly Shiur on the Parsha, given by Reb Yisroel Meir Shapiro at the South Side Sandwich Shop. Also, click here to download and print this week’s issue of Mishnas Chaim to enjoy over Shabbos, provided by Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah.
The winner of the ipod Touch is the Wax family. The winners of the $18 gift certificates are ‘ Shorty’ Stanler, and the Yoffe family. Congratulations!
What about refoel the bikur cholim mascot I saw him there too!
The winner of the iod touch is gonna get all sorts of warning phone calls from the “cant mind their own business” ladies.
Forget the raffle! Beautiful shiur. Thanks once again.
I am so impressed with this shiur.
I hope the storekeeper disabled the wi fi on the I pod before he awarded it to the lucky winner.
Without wifi you probably could not have written your comment.
We say this shiur over at the shabbos tish each week. Its mamish a mechaye!