Rabbi Dr. Twerski is a world-renowned lecturer and author, who has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals for over 50 years.
He is currently suffering from Covid and hospitalized in Eretz Yisroel.
UPDATE: Thursday, Tu B’Shvat: The family tells TLS the condition has taken a turn for the worse, and is asking all to please be Mispallel.
Hashem should have rachamim!
Refua Shlaima!
Some have had success even at the critical stage with Ivermectin.
If anyone is in contact with the family, please tell them to contact Uri Sofer in Bnei Brak at 0533100170. He may be able to suggest some treatments that will help.
May he have a Refuah Shliema bekorov mamash. I appreciate the fact that you wrote it’s covid related. not because it’s anyone’s business. However we need to be informed that covid is still very much out there. Some people think it’s a past thing. There has been many deaths recently from covid within the community, However you guys didn’t state the reason of death for whatever reason. There are also many hospitalization Unfortunately. Let’s daven that all those who need refuahs should have Refuahs bekorov. Let us do our hishtadlus. May we see the Geulah Shliema Bekorov.
There are a number of treatments that help even at the critical stage. There is an enzyme treatment discovered in Eretz Yisroel, Ivermectin, etc.
I do not ch’v want to add even one drop to the pain of the family. But if someone in the extended family has the ability and yishuv hadaas right now to do some research, there are treatments that have helped even critical patients.
Refua Shlaima! Of course, the most important thing is Tefilla. If everyone reading this post, can please take some time to daven.
Please do elaborate, what is this treatment and why is it not being announced and widely distributed? You are not the first to tell me that there is a special “drops” that someone in E”Y are using to cure Gedolim.
I don’t mean to be malicious, I just truly am curious why my friends/family need to suffer, is this cure only for special people???
Lastly, why do you say Ivermectin, what happened to hydroxychloroquine, should I avoid it?
Rabbi Sofer may have info on the drops and other treatments. You can call him
I only heard about the enzyme treatment today but heard about it from a very reliable source. I did not hear anything about it being only for certain people. I heard about very ill people in the US who tried it very recently with fantastic outcomes.
The Zelanko protocol (hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azythromycin) saved the life of my spouse and another (elderly) close relative who were both VERY ill from Covid in March, so I am very big believer in it. It just has to be done correctly. (it’s not complicated just one has to take ALL the 3 parts, ideally early enough in the illness; ideally the heart should be monitored first also – with a simple EKG)
Ivermectin seems to be slightly less complicated.
Obviously only take any medication under the care of a medical professional.
There is the somech hotline and save a life hotline that would both be very happy to give you information. You can also email: [email protected] for a tremendous amount of highly researched and verified information.
Much Hatzlacha and Refua Shlaima to all that need it!
The monoclonal antibody treatment also has seen a lot of success, but I believe it has to be done very early on in the illness.
Taking VITAMIN D is very important! Everyone should take it daily to build up their immune system against Covid. (of course, assuming their Dr. approves it for them.)
Vitamin D in overdoses are putting COVID patients on dialysis.
We did hear that vitamin D was an important piece and gave our mother who was in critical condition high doses of Vitamin D and A. B”H our mother is recovering, her Vitamin D levels were toxic.
Yes, Of Course! Thank you for clarifying that!
Vitamin D is VERY important but please check with your doctor what is the maximum that can be taken!
of course! Mega doses of vitamin D can be toxic.
Vitamin D is VERY helpful for Covid prevention/treatment but PLEASE clarify with your doctor what the maximum is that can be taken.
Does anyone know which hospital the Rav is in?
Please call somech for all the info. I know tons of treatment info including the enzymes and drops but I can’t leave contact info here, and I beleive they should know most of it as well. See if somech can help you otherwise ask them if they could try to connect you to the person who put a comment on TLS. Hatlocha!
Hashem should send him a Refuah shelaima and the strength to continue helping others. I wish people would make more of a hishtadlus to protect others (and themselves) by wearing masks and social distancing.
masks and socail distancing is very outdated and proven to be ineffective with a virus this transmissable. Call somech for very real preventitive information. Vitamin D levels need to be high for COVID to have good outcomes.
I find it very amusing how so many people have so much advise for an MD, who is being treated by MD’s. Such a shame hospitals only hire people with such credentials.
People in the comments suggesting alternative treatments should be careful. You are not doctors, and should not be giving medical advice to the public.
Doctors don’t know or don’t want to know everything. They have to be politically correct sometimes and are under the pressure of drug companies and government. Lay people can do their own research and may know more than the doctors or are not restricted like doctors
Unfortunately the reality right now is even some top doctors either dont understand covid or are following corrupt goverment. Lay people are working round the clock to find out what’s really true, what really works, and are willing to look into any legitimate alternative or mainstream medicine that will save lives. We are living in a time of lies. Many hospitals and doctors have blood on their hands
What a strange idea!
Doctors are not looking for a cure, they aren’t scouring the literature for a solution, only laymen are.
Doctors have blood on their hands, but laymen don’t.
What a warped belief system.
if you were aware of what went on during Covid – especially in the beginning – with mistreatment in certain hospitals as well as people being blocked from obtaining HCQ, (as well as other issues) you wouldn’t talk so fast.
You are speaking out of sheer ignorance.
to My 3 cents and My 3 cents is right,
Doctors “don’t WANT to know everything”???
“they have to be politically correct”???
“under pressure of the drug companies and government”???
You may want to start leaning some hilchos lashon hara (or rather motzei shem rah), I think a new cycle just started.
If the doctors who are giving their heart and souls to care for these patients hands on, and are constantly reading all available information don’t know who to treat COVID, these people do?
The only true statement is that we don’t know everything about COVID, but you want to say lay people know more??
Medicine is not as simple as you or any lay person may make it out to be. Read what the pela yoetz under “rofeh” and think really hard if you want to get involved in giving out medical advice.
PS. Can someone tell me how to get paid off by these drug companies, I would like to retire early so I don’t have to deal with all the hate towards those of us trying to save lives
I don’t think anyone here was trying to malign ALL doctors ch’v. Most are heroic and deserve tremendous praise and thanks.
This was originally a thread on davening for Rabbi Twerski. Perhaps all the discussion on treatments, etc. could be moved elsewhere? These discussions often devolve into hostility and machlokes (although this one hasn’t so far, b”H). That would hardly be a zchus for his healing!
May he have a refuah shleima b’karov b’soch shaar cholei Yisroel