TEHILLIM: Jackson Ramming Attack Victim Takes Turn for the Worse; Moshe Yigal ben Brunyah

The family of the Jackson ramming attack victim reached out to TLS today asking all for Tefillos.

The family says Moshe Yigal was transferred back to the trauma room after showing signs of infections and other deteriorating conditions, concerning ICU doctors.

”He is beyond struggling today,” the family said.

Moshe Yigal Suffered critical injuries in the attack, and is in great need of Rachmei Shomayim.

Please continue to be Mispallel for Moshe Yigal ben Brunyah.

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  1. Food for Thought:
    I was thinking that maybe it is a good idea to be Mekabel to do a small simple nice deed for the person that is not feeling well. The merit of the deed should go for the complete recovery.
    I plan to take on Judging favorably, Giving people the benefit of the doubt.

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