PHOTOS: The Primary children of Tashbar this week celebrated their Chumash Sudah, where the boys received their own chumash. The receiving of their Chumash before Shavuos, marks the completion of a year of hard work, and the beginning of a new undertaking.
Attending the evnt at Bais Faiga, were the parents and grandparents of the children.
Addressing the proud family members, were Rabbi Meir Hertz, Dean, Rabbi Mordechai Zions, Menahel and Rabbi Moldaver, the Primary Rebbi. TLS.
Mazel-tov to all the primary yingerlech. May you learn from your new Chumash the entire night of Shavuos.
As a father of a former Rabbi Moldaver talmid, let me wish you all a Mazel Tov and an “ashreichem” that you were zoche to such a special Primary rebbi. His influence stays strong for years in his talmidim and the yesodos are so well ingrained. My wife and I are “me’od me’od makir tov” for all he and his rebbetzin do for the class and for Tashbar.