Surveillance video of yesterday’s overturn accident in Lakewood
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Very nice of the man who ran to help.
Agreed, bless him.
once again, someone illegally passing on the right shoulder caused this possibly deadly action. As a reminder, in NJ it is AGAINST the law to use the right shoulder to pass cars who are stuck in traffic or waiting to turn left. Does not matter if you plan on going straight or turning right. The shoulder is not a travel lane
please check your facts before judging. He was driving in the correct lane. The car was turning and passing through the middle turning lanes. Why would you jump to conclusions?! The driving patterns/roads in this town together with the abnormal traffic and schedules cause accidents!
Was the gray car driving on the shoulder or are there 2 lanes there?
Why are they all running?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I live in a town the size of Lkwd. We had our first rollover in many many years a few months back. What’s with all of the roll overs in Lkwd?
Why did everyone run the other way?
please check your facts before judging. He was driving in the correct lane. The car was turning and passing through the middle turning lanes. Why would you jump to conclusions?! The driving patterns/roads in this town together with the abnormal traffic and schedules cause accidents!
Negligent drivers cause accidents, not “abnormal traffic and schedules”. Why have so many people become afraid to admit that humans, even Orthodox Jewish humans, sometimes behave badly?
Before I moved to Lakewood, I thought that Lakewooders don’t know how to drive. When I started driving here, I realized that the traffic conditions make it very difficult to drive normally.
The streets were not built to handle so much traffic. As a moshol, l’havdil imagine hundreds of thousands of people crowded into a small area on lag b’omer. Can’t say for sure if people are behaving badly, but the problem is definitely caused by the conditions.
Nonsense on stilts. Every driver has to drive according to the conditions. Failure to adjust your driving to the conditions is simply negligence. Period.
Everyone uses a cellphone when driving or they don’t pay attention when they’re driving people should keep their eyes on the road
I hat driving in ocean county