[EXCLUSIVE SURVEILLANCE VIDEO BELOW] Police have charged a man after a brutal fight which ended with one pulling out a fake machine gun, and police pulling out their real ones.
Video of the fight outside a downtown Lakewood business shows two men beating each other, and then shows two men entering a vehicle before another returns to his vehicle retrieve a machine gun – though a fake one.
Moments later, police can be seen swarming the area and arrested the suspect at gunpoint.
The suspect, a 30-year-old from Lakewood, was charged with Possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of weapon, and aggravated assault, Detective Lieutenant Steve Allaire tells TLS. Bail was set at $50,000 and no 10% by Judge Scott Basen. Charges for the other party are pending, Allaire says.
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Kudos to the Lakewood Police Force.
They endanger their lives to keep us safe.
A grateful resident.
aggravated assault?
he got beaten up, he didn’t touch the other guy!