Sudden Petirah Of Mrs. Baila Atlas A’H

[SHIVAH INFO] We regret to inform you of the sudden Petirah of Mrs. Baila Atlas A’H, who was Nifteres today. Mrs. Atlas, mother of R’ Yossi and R’ Moishe, and mother-in-law of R’ Avrom Moishe Muller, was approximately 63. The Levaya will be taking place at the Beis Medrash of R’ Menashe Klein in Boro Park (53rd & 16th Avenue) at 4:00 PM.

Shivah will be held at 1686 54th Street, Brooklyn. Slichos at 8:00 AM, Mincha at 6:15 PM and Maariv at 7:15 PM.

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  1. Nebech. That’s a tragedy. She was an amazing person. Extremely refined, inside & out. I know 2 of her kids, R’ Yossi & Mrs Muller, they’re absolute gems. Yehi Zichruh Beruchah. d

  2. Mrs atlas was a very special person! All her children are very involved in all sorts of “klall” things. Her son Mottie from sea gate also very choshiv always doing things for the klall in particular for the sea gate mikvah!

  3. BD”E – she must’ve been a real tzadeikess to be zoche to have a son-in-law like Avrum Moshe Muller. Besuros Tovos. Dudi b.

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