Submitted: Hakol Kol Yaakov

When the Simchas Torah War broke out it became very clear that Hashem has decreed it, and called upon every Jew with a mission. When Hamas took down the wall between us and our fellow yidden, and between us and Hashem, we realized that we have the opportunity to come closer to Hashem then ever before.

Over 300,000 of Klal Yisroel have sacrificed their normal lives and left their families to join the physical army including Chayalim, Paramedics, Doctors, Zaka.

Even though we are thousands of miles away, as Jews, we were given the most powerful weapon. Our mouth! Let’s join the army of Hashem, and increase zechusim for our loved ones in Israel and for all of us here in America that need protection too.

Sign up today at for an extra 5 minutes of learning or Tehillim as a zchus for all of Klal Yisroel!

Hakol Kol Yaakov – Join Klal Yisroel in fighting the war with learning and tefillah is an initiative of Lev V’nefesh, Sponsored by Lakewood’s Bitbean and NextBracket

Want to bring this program to your school/yeshiva? Hakol Kol Yaakov will print customized Tehillim cards for your student. Contact [email protected]

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