Governor Chris Christie released the following statement on the tragic passing of Aharon Sofer:
“We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Aharon Sofer on their unthinkable loss. As parents, Mary Pat and I cannot imagine the sense of grief and sadness that engulfs them at this moment. We add our thoughts and prayers to those of so many in New Jersey and around the world for this family and the community of Lakewood. Together, we can help them deal with this awful tragedy.”
Were were u yesterday?
Even as a politician that may be only interested in PR. Wouldn’t a photo op with a live Ahron Sofer score more points than a condolence letter. Where was he when he could make a difference? Thank you to all the politicians that got involved. You showed what public service really means.
the statement only comes out after he was nifter.
were was he last week what a (moderated)
1) He is the Governor of this State. THerefore he has to make this statement, actually the only decent thing to do. It would be a terrible omission politically if he were not to comment. So do you expect him not to comment?
2) He is the Governor of this State, but his is also a human being and a father. It is inconceivable that he does not feel SOMETHING in his heart about this.
3) His is the Governor of this State. He is running a “business” with a budget of $19 billion. Cut him some slack.
My prayers for the family and community. Such a sad story…
As for the Gov… He is running a state. Not to sound uncareing, but plenty of people were involved with the situation representing NJ and Lakewood, why does he have to also be on record as commenting on the recovery effort? As sad it this was, he doesn’t need to stop what he is doing everytime someone goes missing or is wronged. This was not and should never be a political statement. If you judge someone on how he publicly reacted to a personal tradgedy (personal because it was a lakewood person) and not on how he handles the state, then that is sad in a different way.
hey now you wake up!he,s a new jersey resident.