The state Department of Labor and Workforce Development and Microsoft are teaming up to offer a new program to give New Jersey residents free access to technology training, Commissioner Harold J. Wirths announced Wednesday. Through its Elevate America program, Microsoft is joining with the Labor Department to provide 22, 500 vouchers for online training and certification in various Microsoft programs. The vouchers will be distributed to unemployed and underemployed New Jerseyans through the state’s One-Stop Career Centers. “The Elevate America initiative offers valuable training for New Jersey job seekers and certification in significant skills that will give job seekers and workers a competitive edge in the job market,” Wirths said. “This public-private partnership will advance the capabilities of our workforce and ensure that New Jersey workers have the specific skills that meet the needs of the new and existing businesses in our state.”
The One-Stop Career Centers will distribute the training vouchers on a first-come, first-served basis.
The computer training offered ranges from basic skills to advanced courses that allow participants to earn Microsoft certification.
Each training voucher is redeemable for free online training in Microsoft Windows, or one of the programs in the Microsoft Office suite. Each certification exam voucher is redeemable for a Microsoft Business Certification exam. The advanced technical professional-level vouchers are redeemable for free online training for workers or job seekers in IT career tracks such as web development or database management.
“Elevate America helps equip people with the crucial technology skills necessary to get a job in today’s competitive workplace,” Beth DeHaven, Microsoftâs Mid-Atlantic state and local government director, said. “We believe that this type of public-private partnership will play an important role in rebuilding New Jersey’s and the nation’s economy by offering immediate access to basic technology literacy skills training to ultimately improve recipients’ employment prospects.”
For more information about the Elevate America program, how to obtain a voucher, and to view a list of testing sites, click here. Newjerseynewsroom
I believe this is very important because I notice most don’t know the basics of MS Word or similar. To make the gelt we need to keep up with the times!