Special Bottles Of Wine From Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievski To Be Given To All Attendees At Exclusive Fundraiser

PHOTO: All attending an upcoming exclusive fundraiser event this coming Sunday, will be receiving a ‘Gebenched’ bottle of wine from Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievski, TLS has learned. In addition to the raffle of a personally inscribed Siddur from Hagaon Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, each attendee will be receiving their own gift to take home, a small bottle of wine from a Siyum Hashas of Rav Chaim Kanievski.

The wine, ‘Yayin HaYeshuos’, is said to be a Segulah for Refuah, Parnassah and Bracha V’hatzlacha.

The reception is to benefit Mosdos BaYom Hashishi, the Kollel of the father of Bnei Brak’s Foreign Affairs Commissioner, R’ Eli Hoder.

R’ Eli Hoder is a close confidant of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky – and the right hand man to Bnei Brak’s Mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher.

(For more information about the Kollel, you can email [email protected]).

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  1. Sounding more disgusting ..

    Why doesn’t R chaim send some wine to the kollel guys horriving in learning, he probably never saw this wine,
    Just another scam

  2. Wow! Im amazed! This must a very chusuv kollel with special people behind it that the gedolim care enough to be a part of it!! let us all give these people credit!

  3. its not hate its just people become so disgusted when our gedolie hador are used in such embarresing ways as if they are lehavdel ball players being used in commercials

  4. I would like to take this opportunity to ask my fellow readers the following question: Since we all hate the “kupat ha’ir” style of fundraising, why is it different than dinners that mosdos and yeshivos make.

    It’s all chitzonitos, and fake. We honor someone, and yet we really know that it’s fake honor. We all put ads in journals in honor of this and in honor of that, we must put the ads in or we’ll get someone insulted. So we are forced to put ads into every journal honoring every joe shmoe.

    Is this the way our gedolim brought us up?

    It’s all fake.

    On the other hand, if this is the way to make money in today’s society for struggling mosdos, then this is the right thing to do.

    Which is no different than giving out “gebentched” bottles of wine, if this will make money for a choshuve organization.

    Just saying.

  5. To number 14.
    Yes being a guest of honor is not a real honor we all know that (even the ones being honored) but it is a way of helping our schools and mosdes and no one is forced to put in ads the guest of honor is usually a business man who can through his connections get donations from associates (who most of the time are happy to show the honoree their appreciation for his business by putting in ads) this is money that otherwise would never be given to yeshivas The quest Of honor is not after the hemish money or ads
    He knows he is being used for his connections and doesn’t take the honor seriously I know because I did it twice and found out that my honor was being Abel to help a great mossed
    Ps I raised almost 500000 from my business connection so I’m happy they used me our mossdes need all the help they can get

  6. Gebenched wine… next thing you know they will hand out gebenched dollar bills, or gebenched red strings, or Korbanos on a Klaf… hey one second… they do all this already.

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