[COMMUNICATED] 18 months ago, Lakewood inaugurated a brand new branch of the Sorala’s Baby Gemach network, a network which today features 13 branches across North America.
The gemach functions as a one-stop-shop for all things baby related. Guests? New baby? Travel Plans? The gemach offers Lakewood residents short term loans of top quality items, including Pack ‘n Play’s, strollers [single and double], video monitors, swings, Sleepaway Baby, hospital-grade baby scales, nursing pumps and more. The best part? No more running around town! All items are available under one roof.
Due to booming demand, the gemach grew enormously, stretching the infrastructure beyond capability. To deal with this, the gemach took a three-month hiatus, redid inventory, organization and management, and is now ready and reopened with two fully stocked branches.
One branch is located off 14th St., the other off of Prospect St. Both locations can be reached via one central number 732.503.8376.
Traveling out of town? SBG features branches in Baltimore, Denver, Minneapolis, Montreal, Cedarhurst, Detroit, Brooklyn, Toronto, Thornhill, Monsey, and Waterbury.
The gemach serves as a vibrant matzeves zikaron for Mrs. Sorala Krigsman a”h, Sara Esther a”h bas R’ Yisroel Chaim.
For information about the gemach, check out www.SoralasBabyGemach.com.