Similarities Anybody? The Iranians & The ‘Occupy Wall Street Hooligans’ & Those Who Pay Attention

By Shalom Schor. For those who follow the news, it is quite obvious that rabble-rousers get your attention. But even for those that only tune in to the news periodically, these two shared albeit misguided philosophies have surely gained your attention.

Iran since 1979 has been an ever evolving soap opera of varied quasi terror, radical, religious extremisms which whenever they have the opportunity to, do or announce something that garners the entire world’s attention and reaction.

These leftist Occupiers, over the last months have basically displayed what the United States can evolve into without the occasional influence of some police raid, brave mayor or uncorrupt judge. Attention seekers, and mostly untried and relatively unsuccessful youths, to say the least.

Most recently, after boldly and stupidly announcing the ambitious continuation of their “peaceful” nuclear program, the Iranians once again had the world attention as they paraded before all the world what they claimed to be the most high-tech American spy devices, for all to witness, claiming of course that their “superior” defense forces “shot” them down.

Over the past couple of days The Iranians have decided to perform their navy drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. They threaten to block any oil shipments from leaving the golf if America starts to impose any new sanctions. Tough talk. Of course the whole world is listening.

These Occupier peoples, they cause much headache for all civility, decrying who knows what for who knows why, endlessly conveying that they are completely envious of anybody who actually accomplished something in life. They would like to revamp the United States as we know it, so that the 99% they claim to be, can dominate the 1.% they claim they are not. It makes no sense I Know.

Now the Occupiers are threatening to interrupt the Iowan Caucuses with sit-in protests in all the various gathering and voting places, and disrupt the candidates political offices. They even said they would besiege the political campaign offices of the president.

Apparently law and order, respect for civility, and disregard for anything but themselves is a common denominator of these two philosophies. And… the more the ruckus they create, the more attention they are given.

But, are we to blame for paying attention?

The media continually informs us of their shenanigans. The Iranian’s because, well, on a grand international scale who knows just what they may do next. What truly is a method to deal with a rouge independent nation that does not respect international law? News worthy? Perhaps.

Yet these Occupier peoples, a rouge group barely granted tolerance by a vague interpretation of the Constitution, they who break laws and encourage unrest, maintain disrespect and cast an envious eye on anything that they are not, are they worthy of public attention? Should anybody follow or be interested in what they have to say?

Perhaps though, these occupiers are good students of bad lessons, having learned perhaps subconsciously from others; namely the rough Iranian type. Ways of others do rub off. The key is to prevent it from contaminating society as a whole.

Yet in the ever evolving saga of these two unruly philosophies, there is a third unwilling student perhaps, that without a conscious realization, just may be caught up next.

In a world of do what you want, say what you want, seemingly even those of supposed “good genes” are agitating as well. However, can a people renown throughout time to be a kind, pleasant, caring people, suddenly follow in the “rough” way of others?

I know not of the politics of an all men’s bus or where woman actually must sit. Yet, for a people that an all important component of 4,000 years of time has been “Bayshonis,” somehow, dealing with whatever- in any way similar to how others who dislike something deal with it- and hence receiving and paying attention in a similar fashion, can only further evolve this scenario into other aspects of communal life.

Perhaps it is best not to pay attention!

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  1. I really don’t know what you were on when you wrote this but as a child of the 60’s I’d really like to have some!
    Let’s see, The Iranians are thugs, period. The only way they get to act like this is because our politically correct leaders refuse to threaten to turn their desert lands into a large glass bowl if they misbehave and to make good on that promise if they do. After all, we can’t ruffle the feathers of world opinion now,can we??
    While I don’t condone some of the Occupier’s behavior, after all when does everyone in any type of large body of humanity totally behave themselves, I have to sympathize with some of their arguments.
    Starting with Clinton banks were allowed to make mortgage loans to people with no collateral, no type of down payment and no way to pay them back. Yet Congress said everyone should own a home.
    Investment firms such as Goldman Sachs took peoples monies promising to double and triple them in deals even the Mafia would avoid.
    And then came the crash, And Congress in their wisdom decided to bail them out, with our money. With no oversight.
    So the banks pocketed the money and none went to the people losing their homes.
    And the investment firms stayed solvent and no money went to their mom and pop investors.
    And all the executives got their raises and year end bonuses.
    The 1% gets richer and the 99% gets poorer.
    And no police showed up at any CEO’s house to arrest them for misconduct or fraud or larceny.
    But they showed up at the Occupier’s tent cities all over the country when the same politicians who turned away from what created this mess decided that they were now an embarrassment to this “great country”.
    Yeah, I think they have something to complain about even though they might tick a few people off,and I think that a comparison of the Iranian government and that of ours would be a better match.

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