Shaar Experiences – Part 2: From the Parents of an 8-year-old boy | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

Dear Rabbi Abenson,

Please see the following words we composed about the incredible job you have done with our son (and feel free to share these words — so long as everything is kept anonymous — with anyone you like).

Entering Kindergarten, it was evident that our son had significant learning challenges. He struggled to retain information, despite going over the same material time and again. It was heartbreaking. From the ABCs to the 123s to the Aleph Bais, he exhibited great difficulty in all areas. As very concerned parents, we took our son to many specialists. The professionals quickly ruled out ADD and ADHD, but it wasn’t until a year later that he took a genetic test which ruled out Downs Syndrome (amongst other things); it was then determined that he has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Not knowing how to deal with such a boy, his school put him into a “special program” for children with special needs, but this program failed him terribly…and the heartbreak intensified.

Going into third grade, the school was adamant that he be kept at the Kindergarten level yet again – continuing to work on the ABCs, 123s, and the Aleph Bais. The school kept our child stagnant due to their inability to properly educate our son. They were adamant that he could not move forward until he had mastered things following their rigid approach of being able to do everything with 100% precision and accuracy before advancing to the next level. In the meantime, our son became a laughingstock amongst his peers, a target for bullying and belittling. When the “special program” for children with special needs was not in session, our son would be thrown into the mainstream classes where his presence was not desired, whether by his peers OR by the educators.

The Sunday after having been placed into the “special program,” we took our child to school to attend classes with the rest of the boys in his grade. When the principal of the boy’s division told us that the boys in the “special program” are not allowed to be in class with the other boys on Sundays, we nearly broke out into tears. By not having our child attend school on Sundays, there was no doubt that this would cause him to experience even more ridicule and isolation. As parents, we were devastated. Our son was being left to rot in a program that would not allow him to advance, and preventing him from being with the mainstream boys absolutely crushed his self-esteem.

While in the 2nd grade, some friends of ours told us about this Rebbe who had done wonders with THEIR son. We obtained this Rebbe’s information, but we never bothered to contact him, hoping that things would gradually get better. The final straw was being told by the school that our son would be held back once again, learning the very same things he had been learning since Kindergarten – even though he was just about to enter the third grade. At this point, we knew that we had no choice. The school was literally crippling our child and we would have no more of it. Finally, the day came that we picked up the phone and called this Rebbe…and it was the absolute best thing we could have done for our child.

Just before starting the third grade, we contacted this Rebbe – Rabbi Dovid Abenson – and since that time we have seen tremendous advancements in our son’s abilities. Within the first week of working with our son, Rabbi Abenson helped him to recite the entire Aleph Bais in about 10 seconds. Upon first meeting with our son, it took over two minutes for him to recite the Aleph Bais with multiple errors. After only one week (four 15-minute sessions), our son was reading the Aleph Bais in a matter of 10 seconds with no mistakes at all. Over the second week, Rabbi Abenson had our son reading pages of letters out of order, much more quickly and accurately than he had ever done before.

It has only been four weeks since Rabbi Abenson started working with our son, and he is continuing to advance much faster than we previously thought possible (given the three unfruitful years he spent in the “special program” of the school he attends). Our son is now expressing a strong desire to learn, something he never demonstrated in the past. Within a matter of two weeks, he learned how to recite the entire Bracha of Asher Yatzar, which he now says loudly and proudly (multiple times a day) as he reads from the little poster of the Bracha just outside the bathroom. During Simchas Torah, he wore his Totty’s tallis as he was called up for his very first aliyah ever. He read every word perfectly with such sweetness and joy that it took our breath away.

There is no denying the fact that Rabbi Abensen’s influence on our son has been profound, and we expect that his learning of the Torah will continue to grow by leaps and bounds as his sessions with this Rebbe continue. Within a few short weeks, Rabbi Abenson helped our son accomplish what the “special program” at his school could not accomplish over three solid years. We are eternally grateful for all that Rabbi Abenson has done for our son thus far, and this gratitude will undoubtedly become even greater as this amazing individual continues to imbue our son with the love for Torah and mitzvos.

Before having Rabbi Abenson in our lives, we were almost certain that our son was bound to go off the Derech. After the first time meeting with our son, Rabbe Abenson agreed that this is the direction he was heading in. Now, however, these concerns are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Our son appears to be happier than ever, he is learning more strongly than he ever did before, and he is loving every minute of it. With Rabbi Abenson’s help, not only do we feel confident that our son will finally catch up to his peers in learning…we now see that our son can grow up to be the Gadol that he has aspired to be since he was in preschool. Thank you Rabbi Abenson.

Levi Berger* age 24 for years old

I live in New York and have studied in good Yeshivas all my life.

I always struggled to try to understand my Torah learning clearly. I prayed for many years to find someone to help me build my foundation skills inside and understand clearly outside but to no avail until I learned that the eighth day of Chanukah is a עת רצון special day to daven to Hashem and have one’s prayers answered.

So I tried my luck and asked Hashem for assistance: “Please help me find the right person; I’ve struggled for years with little success, and I want to continue learning .” The next day or two later, I saw Rabbi Abenson’s article in the Lakewood Scoop. I was surprised to see this article discuss my issues with learning and how to rectify them. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, so I decided to give Rabbi Abenson one more chance before saying no more learning. He told me before I started that he would send me his book to read called “Struggling with Hebrew Reading? Frustrated with Torah learning?”

I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am now 24 years old and it’s 18 years too late. My kriah was always good, but understanding the words and the dikduk was hard for me. But now, after Hashem heard my prayers and guided me to see Rabbi Abenson, Hashem’s Torah has become much clearer to me in just a few sessions. I am now confident this will help me for the rest of my life
Rabbi Abenson should have the best of both worlds. My parents have spent tens of thousands of dollars on tutors for me over the years, and it has never helped my foundational skills. Learning the foundation skills is crucial; otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time in yeshiva like I did most of my life. Don’t wait and say he is one of those who just want a buck. I will tell him Rabbi Abenson isn’t like that because if he was, he could charge ten times the price and people would still come to him.

Save yourself from living in your hell in this world by not understanding Hashem’s Torah. I only regret that I did not find Rabbi Abenson 15 years ago. It would have saved my parent’s tens of thousands of dollars and my parents a lot of heartaches and also myself a lot of heartaches too. Thank you, Hashem, for connecting me with Rabbi Abenson.

Mr. Rosenberg* is a 68-year-old man who had studied in the traditional yeshivas in America all his life. He had obtained Smicha, however, he always had difficulties with his Hebrew reading and translation. These difficulties filtered down to struggling to try to learn Gemara. He told me that he always had to have a rebbe to teach him. As he explained,

“I felt I just had to accept that this was a fact of life and it was Min HaShomayim. The strange thing was that in English reading, I could read up to 200 words per minute! I happened to read in the Mishpacha magazine regarding the unbelievable work where you stated: “upgrade all levels of learners and levels of commitment to Yiddishkeit”. I thought I would try to see if and how you could help me. I was amazed by the diagnostic results of the evaluation you gave me, and after just a few sessions of the reading program, I was able to read! You made Gemara learning seem so simple and I got very excited about this. I went and got trained in the program to be able to help others. I wish I had had this opportunity 60 years ago! Thank you Rabbi Abenson for giving me a new lease on life!”


For more information please contact
Rabbi Dovid Abenson
Evaluations / Upgrading / Training
Tel. 15147393629
Cell/Whatsapp 15149935300
Email: [email protected]
Website: HYPERLINK “”

Reserve your copy of Rabbi Abenson’s new Sefer coming out soon HERE.

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  1. Amazing
    R’ Abramson is an amazing Kriah Rebbe, it seems.
    And we have all these testimonials to prove it.
    Hatzlocha, Rebbe, may you have the Loach and Patience to help many, many more of our Precious Brothers.

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