PHOTOS & VIDEO: A local elementary boys school paid $12,000 to move apple trees to make room for a new school building. The approximately twenty fruit trees, which are forbidden to cut down under Jewish law, were situated in middle of the 9 acre property where a building was to be built for the 300 school children of Shagas Aryeh.
After some reasearch, Reb Shloime Chaim Kanarek, the founder of the school, was able to locate a company which specializes in moving trees, so the construction for the school building could continue as planned, without destroying the fruit trees in the process.
With special machinery, the trees – together with a clump of earth – were dug up from their current locations, and moved to the border of the property, where they could continue to grow and bear fruits.
The Shagas Aryeh boys school is currently hosted in the Toras Aron boys school, another one of Reb Kanarak’s schools. TLS.
who is the builder for this school building?
Did a rav said its ok to move it? Why isn’t that solution used in other places, even where money is not an issue?
whats the difference btween the two schools?
Thanks, very interesting.
Where there be a Chasuna hall there too??
Its also a question of sakkanah to cut down a fruit tree. Let us all applaud those involved for doing the right thing despite being tempted the “forbidden fruit”.
Is the company Frum owned?
Kol hakavod
162) Q: Can you please elaborate on the halacha of not cutting down a fruit tree that’s in your property, and what the reasons are for it, as well as the what consequences chas V’Shalom would take place if one did indeed do it?
A: Well, it is a biblical prohibition of “Lo Tashchis” (Parshas Shoftim Perek 20 Pasuk 19) to cut don any fruit tree.regardless if you own it, a non jew owns it or even if noone owns it.
It is permitted to prune the branches of a fruit tree to enhance its growth. It is also permissible to trim a few branches if they are on top of a Sukkah or for any other Mitzvah purpose.
As far as the consequences, the Gemara does indeed bring various stories where ill befell people who were not careful with the cutting down of fruit trees. ( See Bava kama 91b, Bava Basra 26a, Succah 29a for a few examples)
There are certain exceptions when it would be permissible to cut them down or to transplant them elsewhere, but even then it would be best to have a non Jew do it. It is adviseble to seek the guidance of a Rav before relying on any leniencies in this matter.
(See also Shu”t Chasam Sofer Yoreh Deah Siman 101 and Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Shmiras HaGuf V’Hanefesh 15 and 16 for more about this)
Should make the green left people happy.See the Torah does care for trees, the environment and waste. And these laws were given way before it was cool to be green.
I watched the whole thing the company i don’t think is Jewish but it was a true Kiddush Hashem and the worker was truly amazed that someone would pay.
Kol hakavod r kanarak
To # 8
The website you quoted from refuses to print his name or who he follows, that being said this is what he writes as a “Disclaimer”
“Please Note:
The Halachos on this website are based on my personal understanding of the Halachic texts quoted, and are for learning purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
DO NOT rely on them for Psak Halacha L’Maaseh. If you have questions or require further source information ,please email me the question and I will try to respond as soon as I can. For a Halacha L’Ma’aseh Psak, please contact your local Orthodox Rabbi.
Thank you.”
Not sure how much you would rely on that for. Also the references he says to check out are totally wrong and have no bearing on the issue what so ever.
There is a big misconception about cutting down fruit trees.
Here are the facts:
1) the shulchan aruch, which last time i checked tells us what the halacha is, makes absolutely no mention of this issur.
2) It is first mentioned in the gemara perek hachovel (91a) where it says it is assur to cut down fruit trees because of Baal Tashchis.
3) the Rambam brings it as halacha in sefer shoftim, hichos melachim, perek 6, halacha 8-9. There he writes in regards to when invading a city, you cannot destroy things for no reason, like a fruit tree. But he ends off “…velo asra torah elah derech hashchasa!”
4)The Taz mentions it in yoreh deah siman 116 s.k. 5 in the middle starting with the words “od acher” where he straight out writes that he ALLOWED someone who was BUILDING A HOUSE to CUT (NOT MOVE) FRUIT trees. (doesn’t mention goy,shinui or anything of the sort)
So its pretty clear from the sources brought (you are both welcomed and encouraged to check them out yourselves!) that it is 100% mutar to destroy the trees in such a case as building a school.
That being said, I would like to still give big Shkoyach to Rabbi Kanerck for going lefnei and lefnim mishuras hadin. Its not surprising considering the fact that this adam gadol does so much for the klal in so many different ways!
Commenter #12 (Michael) makes some very good points.
The best article I have seen on the inyan appeared in the RJJ Journal a number of years ago. I highly recommend it. It can be seen at