School District Sends Home Note to Parents about End of Courtesy Busing

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Can someone please explain who is entitled to mandated bussing, is the 2 mile limit based on kids walking to school or parents driving them?
I suggest we do a bus and shuttle system with all the schools combined. We moved recently from Eretz Yisroel and that system worked great over there – at least much better than the American system. Everyone can buy a “Rav kav” and life will go on.
This system worked well for the R’ Kanarek schools’ event 2 weeks ago.
We need a bus company willing to invest in this privately instead of trying to cut thru red tape.
i live about 6 maybe more miles away and have been thrown off my route 3 daughters 2 months ago don’t tell me about courtesy busing they could do what they want
what lakewood needs is a comprehensive city bus system where everyone in town including the children in the upper grades 6-12 can ride to schools like in NY one bus line down county line, rt 9 etc… every few minutes morning and afternoon.
There is only one solution to this problem. ALL SCHOOLS MUST DO PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION, for all students even the ones eligible for free.
Noticed that they changed the date for the ending of courtesy bussing from feb. 23 to the 29? I am desperate. My kids have not yet received their mandated bussing yey this year. I drive around 12 miles a day carpooling my kids to and from school. Why are they postponing mandated bussing again???
Im wth byd who wrote above that schools should start doing their own bussing
To #5: Each school doing private transportation is prohibitively expensive. I paid for that last year in Brooklyn about $150 a month. It means another 1.5k to tuition for EACH child!!!
However if all the schools SHARE buses and do some kind of shuttle system it will cost very little per child. I paid in Israel in Beitar about $20 per child for a free monthly pass. All the children (boys in front girls in back) used the bus system.
I’m shocked the letter is in English. More than 50% of the public school students are Hispanic. Part of the reason BOE is broke is from the exorbitant salaries, aka mucho DiNero, of the bi-lingual teachers. I guess the kids read it to their parents. Oh well. Adios.Asta LA Manyana. Gracias.
It should be cold safety busing not courtesy busing.
can someone clarify the law as I thought if the child has to cross a highway or busy street then the town must give busing even if within the 2 miles
In Brooklyn about 2 years ago they stopped the public bussing. All schools receive a certain amount of money. They all bought there own busses and now there is no problems on holidays where there were no city busses
We got our bus pass hooray! Oh wait that new bus number matches my plates on our car??? Hmmm something fishy.
Maybe the BOE members can contact Simcha Felder in Brooklyn. If I am not mistaken, he was able to make the busing work in Brooklyn and the schools even ended up with surplus funding.
My granddaughter who lives in Suffern has a bus that combines 2 different schools. Why can’t they do that here?
There are more than 100 separate yeshivas in Lakewood. The attendance zones are not by neighborhood which would save significant money and also permit more children to walk safely to school. However, orthodox students can enroll (if accepted) in any yeshiva, even one across town making busing unnecessarily expensive. Also, the orthodox demand that each school have its own designated (segregated) buses. No mixing of public and nonpublic, girls and boys and even no mixing of different yeshivas. Buses with empty seats pass yeshivas while driving to their designated yeshiva. Also, Yeshivas have 3 to 4 different dismissal times, each dismissal requiring its own busing. Yet despite all these unreasonable and costly demands the nonpublics believe all Lakewood taxpayers and state taxpayers should pay for this ridiculously inefficient, costly and segregated busing system.
How is a 5 year old supposed to walk 2.5 miles to school? That’s about 45 min walk!
You have to give in and do whatever possible,everyone has to work together 1
Lakewood Mom…… drive your daughter to school then…. I would not allow any 5 year ild to walk to school. Or walk with her. It’s good exercise…..