FIRST REPORT: The School Board this evening voted to keep the Board Of Education school elections in April, and not group it together with the November General Elections. A Board member says the decision by the board to keep the elections in April, will cost the taxpayers a substantial amount of money, being that Lakewood is the only district in the County which chose not to move the elections. Lakewood would therefore have to cover the overhead costs of the elections, the member said.
The upside of keeping the election in April is, the public gets to vote on the budget, which is reviewed in April.
Voting for the move, were members Carl Fink and Tracey Tift. Voting to keep it in April, were Meir Grunhut, Irene Miccio, Yisroel Friedman and Zecharia Greenspan. The other members were not in attendance.
Up for re-election this April, are Yoni Silver, Meir Grunhut and Irene Miccio. TLS.
Doesnt matter how many members were in attendance- The Board attorney decides- PERIOD!
I guess the board attorney decided what he wants.
Why save taxpayers any money. What a stupid thought that would be. Anyone else notice how the voting went. So predictable.
They are affraid when too many people vote!!
Thank you Carl Fink and Tracey Tift for caring about both the students and the taxpayers. Would be nice if others had that same agenda!
i know that this has nothing to do with the article but, please daven for Rav Elyoshav – Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha. We need him.
Who voted against and let it boomerang.
If the board wants to throw money around, I think the teachers would suggest throwing money toward their contract. Just saying…
Well I guess the real board member has spoken
It’s about time that this board settle the contract with the teachers and the rest of it’s staff. It is a shame that they haven’t settle in good faith with their staff. Enough already. Do right by their staff.
I dont understand, this is great news! I get to vote on the budget, why in the world would I want to give that up!!?? Even for an extra 50k wich to me is probably ten bucks, I still want my right to vote on the budget. Can someone explain this?? And what does it have to do with the board attorney??
For shame!
Mayor Menasha and Steve, please bring this up for a vote in township commitee.
Obviously, the current board really doesn’t want accountability.
It will cost the district around 20k to run the elections in april. Last election the voters voted NO on the budget and they saved 120k!!! Next time hopefully it will be more. Fink and Tift-Stop taking away power from the people to vote down the budgets. Way to go BOE finally!
I bet the election will cost a lot more than 20k.
Unreal. Fire the board!
The decision to vote no on this subject was pre-determined. Every disctrict in Ocean county voted in favor of making the change, lakewood didn’t. This must tell you something.
#9, you should be ashamed of yourself. Pray hard today for you have sinned.
I hope the district now increases the school budget to sign and agreement with the teachers. I also heard we are going to have thousand’s more children in the private sector, where will the money come fror busing
just another example of an inept Board, Qoute” Fink and Tift-Stop taking away power from the people to vote down the budgets.”
foolish statement in the end the vote is meaningless , actually the problems here in lakewood with the public schools cannot be fixed with this BOE they have proven that with a 37% graduation rate too much spending on non educational items
I am very disheartened an employee who has been serving the district well since 2007 in her current position with 192/193 and title one funds now will serve as a secretary going forward. The same people she has helped so dearly pushed her aside. Sorry
Its interesting that Greenspan voted against the move even though the people who supported his candidacy supported it.
Of course the Board voted against it because in November much more people particpate in the elctions and it is harder to get re-elected.
disgusting. hopefully the taxpayers remember how the members decided to cost them more money come election time…
I have to say to # 20, he follows directions perfectly. The other guy too.
Just saying- The bd openly admits drug problems in the middle and high school. How about just throwing some money towards Drug and gang prevention programs for our children. Just saying !