Overview – The 2014 Succos Chol Hamoed carnival will be for one day only, Monday, October 13th from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM at Pine Park.
Attractions – Jersey Disk Devils (dogs catching Frisbees show), The Skyriders (trampoline acrobatic show), cotton candy (15,000 cones, 400 pounds of sugar), popcorn (10,000 bags, 800 pounds of seeds), 9000 jawbreaker noshes, 9000 LED bicycle lights with batteries, 36 rider capacity electric spinner ride, pirate ship, train, inflated rock climbing, obstacle course, moon bounce, fun slide, juggler, and rides on military/police vehicles. The schedule for the shows is as follows:
Jersey Disk Devils – (dogs catching Frisbees show)
Show Times 11:45 AM, 1:45 PM, 3:45 PM
The Skyriders – high flying trampoline acrobatic show
Show Times 12:45 PM, 2:45 PM, 4:45 PM
Rain Date – if there is a likelihood of rain on Monday, then check www.kna613.com Sunday night for a possible change to Tuesday October 14th. Do not call the Roberts home.
Changes from previous carnivals
The storytelling, petting zoo, magician, and BMX bicycle show have has been replaced by the dog-Frisbee show and the trampoline acrobatic show.
The nosh will be 9000 jawbreakers along with two popcorn machines and cotton candy.
The prize will be 9000 bicycle LED lights with batteries.
Lost children will not be announced. Instead, all lost children and parents should meet at the corner of the stage by the “lost children” sign.
Sponsor – This is a Traveling Tykes event but it will be paid for by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc.
Cost – Everything is free. Nothing will be available to be purchased or paid for. Please note that the nosh and prizes will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis so we cannot assure that there will be any left towards the later part of the carnival.
Objective – To provide a kosher and sweet Chol Hamoed event for children while helping to relieve some of the financial burden on Frum families.
Update and changes – everything is subject to change. For weather caused changes to the schedule, please refer to www.kna613.com. Do not call the Roberts home.
Final Notes – This is a Travelling Tykes event that is organized and operated by Travelling Tykes. The cost is being deferred by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc. for this religious celebration.
Thank you very very much Dr. Roberts.
Can the kids get to try the new guns?
Sounds exciting! Maybe we’ll just go to a small park and share some family time for a little more peaceful outing. Thanks doc, it’s great what u do, I guess we’re just party poopers.
Thanks Dr Roberts what a zcus may you be zocha to much bracha and haztlochoa and continue with all your chesed ad meah vesrim!!!!!! Thank you so much
“The cost is being deferred by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc. for this religious celebration.”
Actually, I would think it’s being defrayed. Deferred suggests that the amount owed is simply being pushed off to a a later time.
Or perhaps the cost is being deferred and the parents of the jaw breaker guzzling kids will ultimately pay the dentists for the pelasure.
And to those who mock,fact is thousands of frum kids will greatly enjoy and appreciate
Thank you Dr. Roberts
ממנו ילמדו וכן יעשו
defrayed is what they probably meant.
anyway, not the point.
great event!
The doc does it again!
Thank you from all of us!
Why must some pick a fight with this poor guy. I mean, if you had his kinda $ ud hopefully find some communal use to benefit many.
I am usually the type that does not attend these mass events. I much rather enjoy a calm visit to the park. However, I went to the Roberts Carnival last year and I was blown away. My kids LOVED it. I was amazed how everything was thought out. There were two story tellers for the different age children I brought with me. They each got a pekalah and were thrilled. They got popcorn and saw the animals. The lines for the rides were crazy, and we didn’t even attempt to go on any of them.
My kids are still talking about last year’s event. My children are not the type to be happy with anything (I wish). It’s a truly great event.
I have never gone to any of these events however nptwothstanding i am so amazed by the devotion and dedication of rabbi roberts and his tremendous love for doing for others. I call him rabbi because he is a gadul in chesed and i wish him much hatzlacha in all his endeavors with gezunt and happiness for hm and his family.
For those who would like to pay just make check to Kollel nar Avraham and leave the cha k in the puskah!
Gd Bless
It’s really a nice event . Such a pleasure to see the Simcha on his face at the event .
Even though it’s cloudy , my kids are still excited .
Wish we would see more of these type of things
There’s not many choices in chol hamoed for a large family
Everything’s a fortune
Even those video plays are 20 bucks a pop
Kudos to Rich Roberts
there will always be people who complain
Dr. Roberts is truly amazing person for running this event
providing people with one less day that they have to take their kids somewhere especially those who are struggling to make ends meet.
Chol Haomd, while is meant to be enjoyable is sometimes stressful for those who are struggling and feel like they have to keep up with the Jones so that their kids have something to share with the class when they go back to school.
Thank you Dr. Roberts for another amazing Chol Hamoed event enjoyed by all!!!
Dr Roberts, I was there. It was amazing. You give my kids Chol hamoed to enjoy. Thanks and may you have l ots of Yiddish nachos from your family.
R’ Rich – I hope ur ignoring the naysayers. This is a beautiful event & thousands of kids loved it. Thanx so much for all u do. And, as a previous poster said, may all learn from u & do as u do. Tizku L’Mitzvos.
Thanks again! The dog show was great and the crowd was as well.
Thank you Dr Roberts! It was a great event!
Thanx for a great day!! My kids were thrilled with the super entertainment and prizes!
Thank you so much Dr. Roberts. Our first time attending! Everything was so organized and planned out to perfection. The assortment of kiddie and thrilling rides geared for older and younger children, the two amazing shows that older ones and even younger ones found awesome, exciting bike light prize, the fresh popcorn, sweet cotton candy, and a jumbo jaw breaker to last the day! It was amazing to see so so many yidden coming together to spend a fun day all in the spirit of yom tov. Although the lines were long, they really moved quickly being that everyone waited patiently and I did not observe any cutting in the lines! Wow! May next year chol hamoad be celebrated in yerushalayim!
Thank you so much Dr.& Mrs. Roberts. Thank you for being such selfless givers to this community and beyond. I must mention the extra courteous police officers who were so patient and friendly throughout the whole day. It was an extra bonus to what could have been a very harried experience. Such organization and cooperation from all. A truly great experience for children and adults. Bless you and your family. Chag sameach!
The trampeline guys. were amazing. and you could. see. them from. a distance because. they jumped so high. real. talent
ממנו ילמדו וכן יעשו
Doc THANK YOU and may you see much nachas from your whoole mioshpacha
Carnival was great and thanks so much but 2 suggestions to improve for the future!
1. Show as low as dog show should have bleachers set up for more to see
2. why are we marking hands at candy and prize giveout? Do the runners of carnival really think i’m going to let my kids take doubles?? the line would move 10 times faster if parents can just get one per kid and it will be very clearly marked that it’s only one per child. This would save a lot of line time that is frustrating for little ones and tough with strollers!
Hope to see these improvements one day which are pretty simple! Thanks
Amazed at the wonderful carnival put together with obvious devotion by Dr Roberts!
Just one thing – my kids said they missed the storytellers…
My kids loved both storytellers last year, and were looking forward to them this year…
Thanks a lot for an awesome event.
the carnival was the place to be today! thanks once again for a perfect event, and especially for the new shows, the kids loved them! we also thought bleachers would be a nice idea if feasible. may you and your family be blessed with simcha and bracha for all the simcha you bring our children each yom tov!
Truly a great carnival – thanks Dr. Roberts!
Re: Carnival Ideas – totally agree! You may lose a handful of jawbreakers (if that many!) to people who take 2, but would sure go a long way towards eliminating the long nosh line! If there is anyone out there looking to take two, they could always stick out the other hand te second time around and get away with it anyway!
What if you set up a line of 4 eight foot tables near the front entrance and have 8 staff members just handing them out as you walk in (2 per table)? It would go really fast and make a great event even greater!
Thank you dr roberts!
Ive been to a few of your chol homoed events and I thought this one surpassed. None of the lines were as crazy( i came early) the shows each were able to be viewed by a tremendous amount of people at once. I saw even between show times hundreds of people watching the dogs. The emergency vehicle rides were tons of fun. My kids didnt want to leave/ theybsaid this was better then any trip – even the older ones. Thank you again and thank you for taking the extra time to make it as smooth as possible.
Amazing shows,you were able to see the acrobats from far witch was really nice.Thank you dr. roberts may you have much simcha and nachas.
I want to add my thanks and admiration for Dr. Roberts. Even if no one reads my comment, I’d still like to see the comment count go over 100 knowing that the overwhelming majority are expressing their thanks.
Yeyasher Koach to the Roberts for a terrific event! PLEASE bring back the storytellers – we tell over their stories at bedtime all year long and can’t wait to hear the sequels.
The event was amazing. Thanks so much. I do agree that the line for prize was very long, the marking the hand is not worth it. Why not just hand it out when people come in? Also, I agree the idea of bleachers is good idea, my kids missed the dog show because unless u come very early, can’t see
Dr Roberts did it again and may Hashem Isborach give him strenght to do it for many more years. It was great. Thank you so much.P.S. Do you have a lost and found phone number ?