After reading the comments in the article about his event, Rich Roberts submitted the following:
To all of you wonderful people,
I appreciate the sensitivity that people are expressing in regards to my name. My full English name is Richard Howard Roberts, M.D., Ph.D. and the initials after my name refer to my medical and scientific doctorate degrees. For most of my life, most people have called me Rich. Some call me Richie (alternatively spelled Richy) and, since becoming frum, many call me Kasriel.
I consider it to be a privilege to live in the Lakewood community since there are so many wonderful, G-d fearing, Torah-dedicated people here who are sacrificing so much to follow a holy lifestyle and cause. I am truly fortunate to be able to be involved with the carnival in service of this community and any others who wish to attend.
I do not take offense to anyone’s comments about the meaning of my first-name nickname but your concern about it is just another demonstration of how thoughtful you are. And in response to one posting here, I had the same name before I had advanced in my career. As a matter of fact, I had this name soon after I was born.
All the best to you for a healthy and successful year in all good things,
And thank you for attending our carnival,
Rich (Kasriel) Roberts
as i said – rich is short for richard
richy roberts is and was a great guy i knew him before any carnival or before he became famous he was always so giving of his time and money . May hashem bentch him with continued succes in everything he does for his personal and public needs. By the way the shul is awesome.
Mr Roberts amus”h, I don’t usually comment here – and I wasn’t able to attend this years suckkos event @ your backyard, however I would like to express a tremendous hakoras hatov for this gevaldika toiva you do for lakewood! As you may know, a typical chol hamoed event like yours can cost a large mishpacha over $100 for the day, do you realize how many yiddin you just helped. To most of us that’s A LOT of money!! Thanks again! May you be able to continue your carnival for many more years to come. A gutten kvittal!
I waited on line with my 3 year old daughter for almost an hour. for some noshes and I was still very impressed at the great kiddush hashem.
reb Casriel, Hashem should bentch you. May I humbly suggest if you decide to do it again to do it in a park as the crowd grows each year. thanks & tizku l’mitzvos
Ppl:mind ur own bussiness and stop talking about other people!
I’m so happy that I have this opportunity: I just would like to thank for opening your home . u truly are an inspiration and my kids so look forward to it thank you . . may I make a suggestion there are some people that get a little embarassed about the fact that its free and feel like charity(and don’t come eventhough they may be suffering financially ) maybe u can charge an optional suggested one dollar fee and the proceeds would go to charity . just a thought. may u and your family be blessed with all that is good . chag samaech
This was the first time I attended the carnival as I never knew about the others until afterward. I was very impressed. I brought 3 grandchildren there and they loved the Uncle Moishy video, the cotton candy , the nosh, balloons, petting zoo and the pony rides. I can’t wait until the next carnival (but, i hope Moshiach comes first, and then I don’t know if carnivals will be allowed).
dont forget to thank hashem there were no injuries!!!