Several residents have been assaulted with eggs on the first day of Shavuous, sources tell TLS. Police were called to the Squankum and Lawrence and Twin Oaks/Estates areas yesterday after men in a small white vehicle were seen throwing eggs at the mostly Frum residents. It is unclear at this time if Police have apprehended any suspects. TLS-91/TLS-65/TLS-BJ
Residents Assaulted With Eggs

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The car was a white pontiac grand prix with a blue hood. I tryed to call the lcsw and no one answered so I called lpd and it was to late they were gone.
Why would u call the lcsw what can they do? I would call lpd. (After asking my rov if it is mutar as it is not a sakana of death)
Thats disgusting!
#1: “I tryed to call the lcsw and no one answered so I called lpd and it was to late they were gone.”
thats exactly the problem. YOU CALLED LCSW FIRST. and even if they answered, they themselves would have to then hang up with you- dial the lakewood police dept, and relay YOUR observation.
All of that time could have been saved if you would have just called the proper authorities- versus just calling a civilian-friend of yours(lcsw).