Reports: Christie May Give In To Pressure For Presidential Run

As Gov. Chris Christie embarks on a cross-country trip this week, with a centerpiece speech Tuesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, speculation about him launching a bid for the White House is at fever pitch. The prime-time speech, along with an unhappiness with the current presidential field by many big-dollar Republican donors and a lack of a strong front-runner, fed a weekend of speculation that Christie might give in to party pressure and finally decide to run.

Christie, and those close to him, maintain that is not going to happen. He’s not going to run.

But several reports this weekend suggested Christie might be giving a campaign for president a second thought. A handful of news organizations, citing unnamed sources, reported Saturday he could make an announcement this week.

Even Christie has said he’s not happy with the current field and doesn’t appear close to endorsing a candidate, a decision he was able to stall for the foreseeable future by pushing back the state’s primary to next June.

The Republican Party isn’t excited about former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who ran unsuccessfully in 2008 and doesn’t delight the tea party voters because of his passage of a state health care plan while he was in office. After Thursday night’s debate, the luster around Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who entered the race as a front-runner, appeared to be wearing off. His calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” has prompted some Republicans to question whether he could be victorious in a general election.

The crowded second tier of candidates — from Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota to Rep. Ron Paul of Texas — hasn’t shown an ability to produce a dark horse who can surge into the lead. More in Star Ledger.

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  1. Just remember that elections have consequences. If Govenor Christie is elected, you can be sure that many social programs will be cut. Now, while this will go a long way towards balancing and managing the budget, it will also affect many Jewish people. At a time when our community is suffering terribly from poverty (if this comes as a shock to you, ask Tomchei Shabbos and other charity orginizations) we may have to go with a candidate who won’t be as drastic is Christie.

  2. And he has my vote also!!!!! He is a great governor, one of the best we have had in many years. Unfortunately New Jersey would lose him, but think of the good he will do for our nation.

  3. Governor Chris Christie is the man. Let us pray that he makes the decision to help the Nation recover from this terrible economy. His conservative views, decisiveness in dealing with issues, and powers of persuasion are the hallmarks of his popularity.

    Christie for President!

  4. If he leaves NJ what will replace him? Will we go back to the old ways and bankrupt the state? let him finish what he started.

    And #2 the Jew is not the only one suffering with his cuts, you are only worried about yourself ….. How about worrying about your children and grand children they are the ones that will be paying for this mess.

  5. The US needs someone who knows how to deal with financial issues.
    NJ for many years (and many governors) fell down the shaft that the us government is in middle of falling. Then in came Gov. Chris Christie and within one year balances the budget.
    This is the type of guy the united states needs now.

  6. To # 8, they balance the budget ever year; it was just a matter of how they paid for it.

    Dear Bill, please first think about the governor’s extensive foreign policy experience for starters. How many times has he been out of the country talking to foreign leaders, and I ‘m not taking about his vacation to Epcot Center. Can you imagine him trying to mediate peace in the middle east? Develop a trade agreement with China? Having tea with the Queen?

    What republicans have learned from Perry’s poor performance is that one-liners are just that. There has to be intelligent thought behind it.

    CC is a lot of one liners. Powers of persuasion? ya, that’s why is administration is being sued by several unions and one superior court judge. OH and we know how the teachers have agreed to tenure reform right? The only people he has persuaded are the wealthy and some seniors

    Your party would be better off supporting a Huntsman like candidate. Someone while bland, is middle of the road, without the nuttiness

  7. Hey Ms Candy Kane:

    Peace in the middle east hasn’t been achieved with any U S president even the great Obama with his Peace Prize has done nothing. There is more to do than worry about the world. may be if he is elected he would worry about fixing this country as his primary job. But he should stay, he has not finished his job here!!

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