Yet another study finds no evidence that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine raises the risk of autism — even among children who are at increased genetic risk.
Experts said the findings, reported in the April 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, should be reassuring to parents, particularly those who already have a child with autism.
The theory that MMR vaccination raises the risk of autism has its roots in a small study done in 1998 — one that was later found to be fraudulent. Since then, numerous international studies have found no evidence that vaccines help trigger autism. Read more on Cbsnews.
This report should silence ANY voice that claims that vaccines cause autism.
Firstly, the sample size of 95,000 is enourmous. A sample size of 300-600 is normally considered reliable.
Secondly, not only did the study show NO link between vaccines and autism, they also followed children who had siblings with autism. These children are considered high risk, since there is a genetic factor, and even with these children, there was NO increase in autism when receiving the MMR vaccine, vs. those that did not get the vaccine. This part is important because for the “moderate” deniers who agree that vaccines do not directly cause autism, they were still concerned that it could trigger autism in those that are at a high risk for it. This study demonstrated that is not the case at all.
All the (moderated) out there who will continue preaching their theories about how vaccines cause autism will continue preaching regardless of new studies. Parents have been vaccinating their children for years and thats the correct thing to do. All you need is for one of these cult members to r”l learn the hard way! Enough said.
OPEN… did you read the CBS articles on this subject or did you read the actual research report. The CBS article is gobbledygook itself. Sentences make no sense. Explain the following quote, “Of the children with an affected sibling, 7 percent had an autism spectrum disorder themselves, compared to just under 1 percent of other kids.”
Not only that, the article attempts to fear monger linking the measles outbreaks to lack of vaccination when in fact it could just be illegal immigrants who are carriers and defective vaccinations. (If you remember, measles was eliminated from th US in the 1990’s)
As an aside, a friend of mine who does research for a very large company explained how many research projects are slanted and often inaccurate.
Additionally, calling someone a “denier”or even a “moderate denier” smells of religious fervor and not rational thought (or alternatively totalitarianism.)
Things in this area are not clear cut science and the pharmaceutical companies do have benefit from this study. I’m not saying it’s not true. Just read ALL the information and decide for yourself and NOT for me.
Looking forward to honest debate.
All studies on both sides of the debate are manipulated and bias
To date there has never been an actual unbiased , peer reviewed study proving any link between vaccines and autism
However what has to be considered is the following:
If someone wants to sue the vaccine makers in court they cannot do so in an regular state or federal court\. There was a special “vaccine court” in Virginia , established by an act of congress , and only that court can hear vaccine damage cases . In that count there are 100s of ways a case can be dismissed . If a case is not dismissed it is automatically settled at set rates with money coming from a fund establish HHS called the NVICP program , and that the money comes from a special 75 cent tax that is put on every vaccine. From 1988 until 8 January 2008, 5,263 claims relating to autism, and 2,865 non-autism claims, were made to the VICP. 925 of these claims, one autism-related were compensated, with 1,158 non-autism and 350 autism claims dismissed; awards (including attorney’s fees) totaled $847 million
makes you wonder.
for more info you can google “vaccine court”
or check wikipedia
How can the companies that make these vaccines & the doctors be the one to tell us if they are safe or not, no one has more of an agenda than them!!! Do your own research & then decide if you wanna vaccinate. Look at your friends and family that vaccinate, are they so healthy or are they spending much of there precious time at the Dr. To many sicneses are becoming notmal as the vacancies are getting pushed in our directions. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!! don’t just trust the ones who are making all this money from the vaccines.
So Mercury and OTHER heavy metals used to preserve vaccines are now healthy and cannot cause harm to developing children?
I guess one can pay for a study that has any results you want.
Why is this different than the report of a few years ago? The one that showed the original “study” was flawed?
to someone
if you get sick don’t be suprized