By C.M. Dr. Ian N Jacobs MD, medical director of the Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders in the Division of Otolaryngology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was presented with a tribute this past Monday by Misameach, a New Jersey-based organization that provides respite and entertainment for seriously ill children and their families.
The organization held its annual winter event for the families they service, an eagerly anticipated four-hour event in the Ateres Chana ballroom replete with a lavish buffet, and star-studded entertainment diversified for all ages attended by 1000 people . Dr. Jacobs was chosen as honored guest for the event in recognition of his devoted service to all his patients, many of whom are Misameach members.
The award was presented by acclaimed Dr. Shanik of Pediatric Affiliates, the largest pediatric office in Lakewood, NJ. Dr. Shanik thanked Dr. Jacobs for expending his time and gracing the event. He recognized Dr. Jacobs, who is renowned for treating challenging cases at CHOP since1991, for his longstanding service. “I am honored to have the opportunity to present this plaque to him,” concluded Dr. Shanik.
Dr. Jacobs graciously accepted the plaque, which read in part, “This award is an acknowledgment of your professional care for our children. Your true devotion to the community is unparalleled. We are forever indebted to you for all that you have done.”
After expressing his admiration for Dr. Shanik, Dr. Jacobs thanked Dr. Shanik for his confidence and recognition.
The members of the audience, many of whom were current or former patients of Dr. Jacobs, responded with resounding applause, a testament to the profound impact he has had on so many lives. Some of the misameach children heart fully presented their personal plaques to Dr. Jacobs. As the event proceeded dr jacobs was shaking hands with his patients, their family members and the volunteers and staff members of Misameach.