Reb Moishe Peretz Schwartz Shlita Doing Shiluach Hakan

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The Sefer Shaleiach Tishalach is a great reference for everything about this mitzvah.
Obama’s popularity has hit record lows after passage of healthcare.
There are reports of people walking into doctor’s offices and hospitals all over the country demanding their free healthcare, and being told they were duped.
There is no free healthcare. There is a new law that everyone will have to buy health insurance from the insurance companies, or pay a fine, or go to jail.
58% of Americans want ObamaCare repealed
The rest still think they’re getting free healthcare.
I will not get into names and I have not yet got to the bottom of the sugiya but in the various seforim that came out in the last few years there are vast and huge differences of opinions about some very fundamentle aspects of the way to be mekayem the mitzva. One example is whether one may be mafkir it after the mitzva in order that someone els can be yoitze and many more. Bottom line I suggest one speaks to a moreh horoah who is boki in this sugiya .. Hatzlocha rabbo
Why is this Mitzvah uncommon here in Lakewood? Maybe in a city – but Lakewood? Wonder how long the writer has been in Lakewood
yechi adoneinu moireinu vrabeinu ! the rav continues to inspire all of us with his mitzvos and maasim toivim ….chassidei kol aryeh keeps getting bigger >>look out belz !
dose any body know if the bird is kosher if not your not yotza the mitzva and can possible be a bercha levatola
Yomim Al Yemai Melech Toisif Shnoysav Bechol Dor Vdor.
Vehoish Moishe Anav Meoid……
dose he pasken shailos?
I really like the shul I daven in it almost every day in the 8 minyan and may I ask you what is that new building with the new parking lot?