As a customer I am annoyed and as a cashier I am disgusted. I was shopping at a local supermarket and waiting in the 6 items of less express lane. The problem is that the lane was far from express since three different customers clearly had many items more than 6 items in their cart.
I get annoyed with such people who think that rules apply to everyone with exception to themselves. However, selfish people have always existed in the world and always will. Thus, I pose the following questions to the management of the store.
Do you even care whether customers adhere to express lane rules? Do you train your cashiers to eject customers who are openly violating the express lane rules? Do you think it is fair to customers who have the required minimum number of items to be delayed in line by those who follow the rules of an express lane?
I hope TLS readers join me in expressing frustration over this grievance and perhaps cashiers will begin enforcing the rules of an express lane.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]).
Can someone please clarify, if I have 4 bunces of bananas is that 4 or 4 items.
If I have afew of the same item, how does that count.
You are 100% right, but you’re not going to fix the world with this problem….
If these are your problems we are doing good
“annoyed, disgusted, frustrated”
The meaning of this rant is obvious… your bored and angry….
I dont know if this was the case but I can tell you that in Shop Rite I was told years ago that it it 6 “different” items, so if you have 10 bottles of soda it would only be considered one item. I wouldn’t do such a thing anyways bec it defeats the purpose of the lane and I don’t think it is right.
To number 1
It counts per scan. If the cashier weighs all bananas at once it’s one item.
On every receipt on the bottom it will say how many items.
If you buy 6 bottles of water that counts as 6 items. However if they sell a box of bottled water as a one scan box then it counts as one item.
To the author of this article.
Supermarkets offer an express lane as a courtesy to customers. They are not interested nor should they be in instigating fights with customers.
It is part of a larger trend where some people feel feel that they are special, and rules don’t apply to them.
This includes parking in no standing zones even though they are blocking the vision of other motorists. Cutting lines when it suits them. It all comes down to never growing up from self-centered behavior.
I’ve asked several store managers over the years whether they object to using express lanes with more than the noted limit. The general response has been that it is permitted if the register is open and there are no customers waiting at such lane, it would be okay with a small order that slightly exceeds the limit and would barely delay customers that may soon arrive within the limit. They generally object to fully loaded carts blatantly disregarding the express lane concept. They also were uncomfortable with the express lane growing with people exceeding the limits, but who felt based on their own analysis that they should not have to wait on the full lanes and be entitled to an express checkout lane based on their opinion that they had a small order, at the expense of others who clearly met the limit.
To number 5.
Next time you go shopping at shop rite look at the bottom of the receipt. It will tell you how many items. That number is what counts.
Think about it. Buying 200 bottles of water that each needs a scan is NOT considered one item. It’s the scanning that counts.
If any stores are listening: Very simple, program the lane not to accept more than the maximum items, period.
So I can give the Cashier 1 bolltle and thell them I have 6, if they know what they are doing and not lazy, they should only need 1 scan, not 6.
This let’s me have 5 more items. (unless they are different types of soda/ Diet, Regular, Cherry etc.)
Either arrogance or shamelessness can cause such behavior.
The store does not want to drive away customers by confronting them, but needs to balance that against the needs of the people waiting in line.
I suggest that the store tack a surcharge on each item that exceeds the limit. Say 50¢ for the first, $1.00 for the second, and $1.50 each additional item.
Really!!! first the ice cream truck and now this??? Wow get a life, there are more important things to worry about.
To #1
If an item lets say is a box of macaronni is in someones cart and he has 4 boxes that is considered as one item so he can have 30 items in his cart but it may be realy 15 items for the express as every item of the same is one no matter how many he has. So if you have 4 bunches of bannanas it is one item. The rules have to be more clarified or changed for express lanes to go faster. we have the same problem in brooklyn.
“pride, honor & the want to seek respect removes a person from this world”
I’m pretty sure we all know where to find this saying (it’s in pirkei avos & we say it a few times until rosh hashana) the only question is WHEN will we start to face reality & face the truth?
To #8 Some of us actually work for a living and do not enjoy waiting a couple extra minutes because you can’t follow the rules . My time is as precious as yours. Are you always so understanding ? Can I block your driveway a couple of minutes when your on your way out ?
edit : it is actually to # 13
Express lanes are usually not quicker because the scanning is not what takes the most time its the paying that does so if there are 5 ppl with one item each in express lane it will usually take longer then waiting behind one loadede wagon.
To all those who are resigned to reality. 2,3,13 .
The issue the author brings up is legitimate albeit minor in the scheme in the scheme of things .
It may not be serious on a scale of 1-10.
And true we cannot fix the world. There will always be those who simply don’t care about others.
Does that mean that no should not speak up about it. TLS is a wonderful forum where anyone is free to bring up issues . Even non life threatening/serious issues ,that are still annoying. Perhaps by bringing awareness to the issue some of us will be more careful in the future.
Plus, sometimes the smaller issue actually have an easy solution.
We cannot easily help people without parnasah nor can we easily help people without schools.
In this age, we don’t have to accept the status quo. Kudos to the author for taking action instead of resenting the reality or accepting the reality.
Completely agree with the letter writer.
It’s not just grocery lanes, it’s indicative of a much larger me-first attitude than unfortunately is very prevalent in Lakewood. It’s about the woman who can barely see out of the windshield of the enormous Suburban she’s attempting to drive, parking at the very edge of the corner so nobody can see around her monstrosity, and can potentially cause an accident. But hey, she’s in a rush. I’m sure you know many such examples. Bishvili Nivra Ha’olam is not meant to be taken literally.
And while on this topic may I suggest for the supermarkets to have a “No Coupons or WIC” lane. Have you ever seen a coupon work without calling over the manger and then the supervisor??! Any time I’m in line behind someone using coupons it’s a 20+ minute shpiel. I am not a wealthy individual but on numerous occasions I wanted to approach the coupon user and say heres the 40 cents you were going to save no move on and forget the lousy coupon. No offense to anyone but it’s the same for WIC checks always a 20 minute ordeal.
I think that there should be a factor. It obviously takes more time to handle a heavy case of seltzer which only counts as one item, then to handle a small 12 oz bottle of soda. Each item should be given a factor so that it should be completely accurate. Perhaps there could be some leniency if the resulting number has a remainder. Anyone who goes over the allotted number of items multiplied by the factor must stay in the store in the punishment zone. Get a life guys!
I just say something..if I get dirty looks I comment- I am in an express lane..6 or 10 or 15 items..not express 30 items, if your in that much of a rush you shouldn’t be in the store anyway..
It doesn’t hurt to say something..others are thinking the same thing..just no one wants to get “involved or hurt anyone else’s feelings”
Come on now