AUDIO DOWNLOAD: TLS received the following song from a reader, saying the composer and singer of this song – apparently seeking to enter the music business – wishes currently to remain anonymous. The reader added, that anyone interested in purchasing the song or for more information, should please contact TLS.
TLS will forward their information to the sender.
The song, with the words “Ve’Haseir Satan”, is from Tefillas Maariv.
too similar to other tunes.
Beautiful! Sounds like the composer should run it by r abish brodt down the regesh line. Chazak veamatz!
Very Hartzige tune, beautiful music. It’s about time we return to geshmake niggunim that warm your heart and speak to your neshama. The Goyish/Yiddishe stuff out there has absolutely no ta’am. It’s passe!
wow this very nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The vocals and harmonies are mamesh a gevalt!
Real Jewish music. (#1: most of the junk music sounds very much the same as one another, too.) About time we turn back to the traditional and truly inspirational.
Lose the chirping birds and bubbling streams. They are an immediate turnoff. Its very “kitsch” (look up the meaning).
Also, intro is waaaay too long. 4 minute intro – are u kidding??!!
The song itself, when it finally began, was quite beautiful, and instantly inspiring.
Best of luck.
why is it that I don’t hear any singing until 4 minutes into the song?
#7- The beggining is not necessarily an intro-this guy is trying to deliver his tune purely to any potential buyer- he is previewing it with diff instruments and in diff ways- in the end he shows how it would sound with his words, etc…
beautiful! and the words in yiddish are so meaningful! all the best in bringing inspiring music to the jewish world!
Why all the anonymity, are you trying to get your kids in to school?
Very nice- Thank You!
Wish you all the luck…
sorry nice try.cut and paste from different songs.
Att: #13 and other negative commenters: Is it so hard to say something nice to another yid?
If you like it, say so.
If you don’t like it, don’t say anything.
Why are we so easy to say negative comments? Have we no fear of hurting another Yid’s feelings? Have we no sense of Hashem watching and seeing everything we say or type?
C’mon dear brothers and sisters, let’s resist the Yetzer Hara’s urge to always ridicule and put others down.
Beautiful arrangement. Hartzig, betaamte nigun. Yirbu c’moisom.
Like the music very much and the words too, very relaxing. But I think the singer sounds like more than one guy, rather like an a capella type. I think one singer would sound better here. Lots of luck!
Very heartwarming and relaxing !!!sounds like a lot of time and effort went into your project best of luck!
very nice but not original enough!!!! keep ’em coming!!
WOW!!! Beautiful Song!!!! The POWER of a Niggun INSPIRES our souls to Teshuvah!!!! This song is very hartzig and geshmak, it gives us a little bit of time to focus our thoughts on HASHEM our dear Father in Heaven and to think over – – whats our mission, purpose and goal in life, in other words – – Cheshbon Hanefesh!!!!
Lets pray we shall all be Zoche to Teshuvah Shleima and to be Bekabel Moshiach Bimhaira. AMEN
Really inspiring. What a piece!