Attention shoppers: I parked in a Howell area shopping strip mall this past weekend, and by the time I left, my vehicle had a nice dent on its side.
Nearby, there was a shopping cart which appeared to have been the cause. It seems the cart was not returned to its designated area, and the wind blew it into my vehicle, denting it. There were multiple other carts abandoned in the parking lot as well.
I don’t know who left the cart there, so I can’t go after anyone for the damages, but I’m writing this to the Scoop to get the message out to hopefully prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
Thank you.
Jennifer S.
Lakewood, NJ.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
This happened to me right here in Lakewood. The cart went smashing into my car while I was sitting in it.
When I got out to confront the lady who allowed this to happen, she didn’t know what I wanted from her.
I used to be one those who were against people not putting the shopping car in its designated area. But now with little kids in the backseat, it is not always practical to leave the kids in the car and go across the lot to return the shopping cart.
I used to be one those who were against people not putting the shopping car in its designated area AND now with little kids in the backseat I am still against it! I realize it is a challenge with little kids but I will tell you 2 easy solutions that I myself do.
1) I purposely park my car right next to or very close to a designated return area even if it is very far from the entrance of the store, this way when I return it, I am right next my car.
2) If I can’t park near the designated area than after the shopping trip I walk to my car, empty the contents of my shopping cart, return the shopping cart to the designated area TOGETHER with my kids, and then we take a little family walk back to our car together! Its great chinuch and its thinking about others.
One last thing everyone can keep in mind to do, is when you walk into a store and you pass by shopping carts flying around the lot, take one of them inside instead of taking a new one closer to the store.
Also why do other people need to park so far away from the store because someone else was too lazy to walk a few seconds to return the shopping cart to the correct place? Just because the store is have someone who is officially supposed to collect the shopping carts it could be several hours till it actually happens.
It sounds almost like last week when I was in (moderated) saw a black Suburban back into my truck and leave without even stopping to see the damage to my truck. Now I have a black smash on my silver truck…
The same thing happened to me.
I was parked on my street and a tree fell and dented my car.
I was quite upset at the one who planted the tree there without thinking what damage his actions can do.
I’m ‘klehring! If I should sue the landscaper or take him to ‘din torah’
Need some suggestions. Please.
I hope this is a joke in your sarcasm and you realize the obvious difference?
pathetic humor
The last few comments are ridiculous. The letter writer is 100% correct. The cart belongs in the designated area and needs to be put back regardless of kids in car or person paid to collect it. The damager is 100% responsible for any damage caused due to his/her negligence.
Unless it’s a Ruach Sheina Metzuya. These Halachos are in Choshen Mishpat not the Veiberishe Lakewood Scoop.
Not if you are a poshea…
Me at 6:37 is absolutely correct its not so simple that one is liable for damages if they leave a cart in the lot it depends on a lot of factors this is not the place to discuss it ask your rov but among the issues are where you took the cart from, how strong was the wind etc….
I’m not saying in any way shape or form that its the right thing to do or that its menchlich just that its not so simple your liable
Drey nisht kayn kup .
If I don’t put back a cart, I at least make sure it is not blocking a parking space and won’t roll into other cars.
I was about to walk into target today when the wind blew a wagon towards the path of a car. I ran after it and caught it b4 it could do any damage to that car. Please put back ur carts in the designated area. It’s there for a reason!
I always put carts back; however, I don’t have small children waiting for me. I have seen carts roll out of their “designated areas”. It’s the wind. Also, I keep a distance from the cars next to me so my door doesn’t hit their car. Sit a few minutes in a parking lot, and you’ll see what I mean.
What you must take in consideration if you caused damage by being neglect than you are responsible to pay (according to Jewish law) so by not being careful you can be responsible to pay but never end up paying because you never knew (than you might comeback as a shopping cart)
Good post!
Once were on the parking lot topic. Does anyone know why they put white lines in all parking lots? Do we park on the line or in between the two? Can’t seem to figure it out.
Slim- fit spots 🙂
“Yesh Me’ayin”
You are a tzadik/tzadekes or however you identify
100% agree with this letter writer. I will add to the letter writer’s point that parking lots that are on a slight hill is also an issue even when NOT windy.
So, today i went to gourmetet glutt and when i got out of my car i didnt have the energy to fetch a cart just then the wind blew a cart my way and i was really greatfull to the person who left his cart just right there.
Obviously im joking. But instead of thinking how everyone is inconsiderate and they so intefere with your perfect world try looking at different ways to be dan lkaf sechus and think positive. And dont forget aside from the winds today most stores have somone collecting the carts bec as part of their service to the customers they want you to have the convenience of leaving it right there.
I also agree with the writes point. But everyone eles relax. Pulese.
I purposely have an older scratched up car for this reason. I’m stress free when cars and carts dent me.
This letter should be posted around the world it happens everywhere!!
My car got damaged In Brooklyn I was going out of town and I’m a rush the store manager told me not to worry the owner is a nice guy and will pay I followed up for a few weeks and got nowhere with the owner as he claimed ruach she aina mitzuya
I once saw by target the guy that collects the carts in the parking lot finished collecting all the carts and was pushing a whole line of carts when it went rolling… right into a car!
Talking about parking…. recently someone parked so close to me I couldn’t get in my car. Had to wait 40 minutes till lady returned.
I 100% agree with the letter writer. I know it is not always easy when you have little kids, but you can at least push your cart up on the curb, or do SOMETHING so its not going tos mash other peoples car.
I don’t see how having kids in the car gives anyone an excuse to do smething that causes hundreds of dollars of damage to someone elses car. Connection??????
All of you have too such time on your hands! Slow down while drying…stay off the phone!!! Stay in your lane!!!
Your kids will learn a lot more from you if you actually put the cart back like a mensch, instead of leaving it at the car, “for the kids safety”
Can recommend – if I may to do what I do. I shop on line. The shopping cart at the top right hand corner is not going anywhere .
If I may say, while shopping on line- your shopping cart wont go anywhere, but you may end up rolling somewhere…
ha ha good one
I am sorry this happened to you, hower if I may give you some advice/feedback, the reality is that this happens all of the time everywhere If you are very concerned, either park far from the entrance so there is less wagon traffic or buy some kind of protector gadget for your vehicle.
By the way that is one of the reasons some large chain stores will take a deposit for the wagon.