Many are aware of the severe irreversible eye damage that can occur if one looks directly at the eclipse even for a few seconds.
Would it be possible to suggest that one should be cautious and ensure that their window shades/blinds are drawn during this time as infants and young children who do not understand the damage can accidentally look out the window and become blind! (Daycamps/babysitters with small children as well should ensure that no child has access to windows.)
There was a story when I was a child that I remember clearly of parents who found their infant blind the next day…they realized that the child’s blinds were left open while she napped and must have gazed at the sun (while eclipsing)…this is preventable.
Infants are often facinated by shiny things so it makes a lot of sense why this infant gazed at it…usually it’s too bright for them to gaze but in this case it was eye catching.
Thanks for bringing this to our communities attention!
If a child is too young to be excited at seeing an eclipse (like a infant) and doesn’t know to look at the sun more today than any other day, is there more danger? I have not been able to find out whether the sun is more dangerous today than on a regular day, or whether it is because people are looking at it deliberately to make out the shape.
If anyone has any data on that (not heresay), I’d love to read it.
“A story when I was a child that I remember clearly”
You remember this happening or you remember hearing the story?
Because the stories that children hear and say over aren’t exactly prime sources.
The sun isn’t anY more dangerous today than on any other day.
Google it.
The reason why people get more eye damage during an eclipse is because they are staring at the sun. Also, in areas of totality the sun appears after being hidden so the retina is still dilated while being exposed to direct sunlight.
In addition, it is very unlikely for the exposure to cause total blindness, so this story about this infant sounds like a bubbe mayse
Just for some clarification about the danger of the sun –
The sun is dangerous to look at every single day. On a regular day, its brightness forces you to look away. If you would stare at if for 10 minutes on a regular day, it would also burn your retina cells.
During an eclipse, the sun is less bright, and it looks very interesting and compelling to look at. However staring at it (without safe glasses) is just as dangerous for your retina, although you don’t feel it at the moment.