DASHCAM VIDEO [Reader Submitted] The following video was submitted by a reader with the following description: This happened minutes ago leaving the shopping plaza on James Street. I pulled into the left turn exit lane, while you pulled into the right turn exit lane. Just as I was about to make my left turn, you decided you would turn left, right in front of me. You know who you are. You know that what you did was illegal, dangerous and obnoxious. Shame on you for putting my life and the life of the children in my backseat in danger. Shame on you for being more concerned about getting to your destination quicker with no concern for anyone else on the road.
This video and other similar ‘Caught on Camera’ videos are posted on TLS as an awareness to drivers to use more caution on the roads, and perhaps prevent serious accidents by exercising more courteous driving habits.
Report report report.
I am getting sick and tired of this. I am beginning to video all the traffic infractions around town, and I will report you to the police. Today I sat on Rt 9 while the guy in front of me kept stopping in middle of the road to pick up hitchhikers.
This is getting crazier and it’s got to stop.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
Lady Drivers!
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
I see this happen all the time
That happens to be a very confusing exit. The arrows are very unclear and misleading.
# 2 were you that driver? arrows or not, if you are pulling up to an exit, and a car is on the left side, with his left turn blinker on, why would you pull up on his right, and then make a left turn in front of him??
To # 2
I don’t care how unclear it is, if you are on thr right side of a car unless its CLEARLY marked that you could make a left from the right it is ILLEGAL to do that!
If some idiot like “dashcam guy” was sitting there for a half hour I would have passed him too.
Honestly, “dashcam guy” probably was sitting there with his hazard lights on and wanted somebody to pass him so he can “publish” this video.
…3 minutes of fame – even worse is that it’s anonymous fame
to number 2 i go to that plaza all the time its not confusing you just don’t know how to drive. left lane, left turn, right lane, right turn now that was easy.
I would like to buy one of these “dash-cam” thingys.
Which one should I get ?
THIS IS EXACTLY WHY PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME DEALING WITH CERTAIN LAKEWOOD RESIDENTS. This pushy “im more important than you” attitude gets people fired up.
-I can tell you right now, if this happened to me, id confront the driver without doubt. Iv done it before, and id do it again.
why are you driving around with a dash cam ??? what is the reason for that ?
#6 – THIS VIDEO is the reason why he drives with a dash cam. Had he pulled out to make his left turn and T boned that driver, he would have proof that it was not his fault.
The dash cam I assume is for someone like #5 who probably drives like the one in the video. Keep up the dash cam. It showes the reality of Lakewood.
i think thats me in the honda accord what time was this yesterday?
everyone should have dash cams, i think i`ll suggest that to my insurance co. . then they in turn can push for a law in N.J. to have it required!
Buy an old truck, next time someone cuts you off like that push it into the woods, absolutely redicoulas the way some people drive, and we wonder why road rage exsists.
Just my two cents mainly to the one who shot this video – and that is while what this driver did is clearly illegal and COULD have been dangerous – I dont see how it put your life and the life of your children in danger by what this driver did. But I think it has everything to do with your anger and intollerance towards other people. Big deal!! so he cut you off !!!…..chill!!!. By the very fact that you shot this video and you chose to send it in to TLC with very choice words to the other driver tells me that you are a very intollerable person and a person that gets very angry very quickly – and thats not good at all not for you .. and not for the children in the back of the car. (No! – I’m not that driver…)
agree, who rides around with a camera on dash, oh i know, a wanna be cop
to #11:
Not that I have anything to prove to you…
I’ve never been in an accident or have gotten a ticket.
If you have a problem with the “reality” of Lakewood – move out!
“dashcam” guy is a fraud who’s looking to make these videos.
You can see from the video that “dashcam” guy shouldn’t be on the road.
I know it’s tough when people get older… their reaction times are slowed down which makes their instincts slower which makes them a hazard to other drivers.
Usually a family member has to make them give up their license/car. So if anyone reading this is related to “dashcam” guy – please step up to the plate if your care about your family member or anyone else on the road.
Mind your own business (moderated)
Um.. dash cam guy is in his 20’s, so he has a long way to go before his family members need to talk to him about having his license taken away.
In case there are no markings indicating right or left, please note which side the blinker is flashing on the car in front of you. Signals were not made to look pretty. They are there to signal other drivers of your upcoming intentions.
I challenge everyone who is defending the other driver -go to a police officer, tell them the excuses your stating on this news site, and get back to us with their response. Good Luck with that!
MR. Dash. it seems that you were asleep at the wheel. Why didn’t you make the turn? I’m not saying he is right but you were very slow with your driving as the evidence does show there was more than ample time to turn left so what were YOU waiting for?
Hey dashcam guy!!! It’s seems as if you didn’t even enter the intersection that Lexus probably thought you stopped for some odd reason and decided to go around you!
to #22..
I am not math genius, but I analized his video.
He pulled up to the stop signn and came to a complete stop. 2.8 seconds later a car passed, 2 seconds later, another car passed, then as he was about the make the left turn, the guy on the right took the turn.
perhaps you are one of those people who think its okay to turn in front of a car that is traveling at 45-50mph with a 2 second buffer, but its not, and that is why there are so many accidents in this town.
Wow you have great analyzing skills maybe you should be a cop or something you’d get everyone!
every time i drive into lakewood, i fear for my life. it’s almost like none of the drivers have taken the NJ road test (or else they’ve completely forgotten everything on it). both of these drivers exemplify the problematic driving in lakewood. i’d rather be driving in NYC.
#24 – the strange reason that he stopped is called a “stop sign” – you and many people in lakewood have no idea what its for
To MOST of the drivers in Lakewood…. (and I’ve been one for over 30 years!)
2) An amber (yellow) light indicates that the light will be changing soon and you are to stop=== NOT SPEED UP!
3) A red light works the same as the STOP sign
4) The shoulder of the road is NOT to be driven on…. if you’d like to make a right hand turn, wait until you get clser to the corner, the white line will inccate when you can pull over to make that right!!!
TO NUMBER 17….. You can’t be for real!!! You don’t see how that was dnagerous? You suggest that he “chill”?! You should have your privledge to drive revoked…. cutting people off is extremely DANGEROUS!!! If one car hits another it is DANGEROUS!! I am astonished and appalled that you feel that it not a problem!
# 10 – Id bet your kids are uncomfortable going anywhere with you. Lest you embarrass them
To 16 = “Ridiculous” is the way you spell !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you #29.