My brother was driving on the I-95, when Wells Fargo called him to verify a few charges. Sure enough, they were all fraud and they agreed to remove the charges.
To verify that he was indeed the owner of the account, the agent, who was US based, asked him to read the text message he sent to his cell phone.
He told him he is driving and he cannot look at his phone at the moment, but the agent insisted that he pull over and tell him the message immediately, otherwise they would not be able to remove the charges. So he quickly looked at his phone and gave him the number.
The agent than proceeded to read him a disclosure about future charges, and how the bank deals with fraud, with that the call ended.
When he arrived at his destination and checked his email he realized that Well Fargo was trying to reach him again. In the interim, his bank account has been emptied to the tune of $2,400.
It turns out, the agent who called him while he was driving, was a fraudster who used the code to send a Zelle to another account…
The text message sent by Wells Fargo indeed had a disclaimer that “Wells Fargo will never ask for the code over the phone.”
Wells Fargo, the real Wells Fargo, credited the missing funds back to his bank account.
Wells Fargo would also never tell you to pull over to read a text message from them.
As a safe gaurd never give info to an incoming call. If you get this kind of notification hang up and call back with the number listed on your bill or card and explain that you just got this and this notification and you would like to verify.
Never trust phone call from any agency unless you know who they are and especially they tel you pull over road. It totally fake. Don’t ever listen someone commanding you do something when you cannot respond
This is scary. Most scams I read About I tell myself, I wouldn’t have fallen for that one. But, if they CAll me to help me, I wouldve fallen for it.
Wow in my opinion Wells Fargo was very nice (unless they had a way of recovering the $$)
This was obvious a scam call. It doesn’take much to realize it & information should not have been given. Even if you a reason to think that its a legit call (maybe you initiated a contact and think its a return call ) you can say that you will call them back.
I get calls from “IRS” almost on a weekly basis saying that I’m in big trouble and that someone is after me etc.
Very simple test for scam calls, say you will call them back at the number you have listed, see their response