Posek Hador: “The Koach Of Brachos Was Given To Hagaon Reb Shalom Ber”

A truly dramatic event took place on Katzenelbogen Street at the residence of Maren Posak Hador HaGra’m Sternbuch Shlita, when the Rosh Hayeshiva Reb Sholom Ber Sorotzkin Shlita of  “Ateres Shlomo” went to his residence to ask for an urgent bracha for one of the supporters of the Yeshiva who is in a difficult situation.  Maran Posek Hador was puzzled and asked, “What did you come here for? It’s bitul Torah to ask for a bracha, you don’t need any brachos, if you were to give a bracha you don’t need any more from anyone else.” Rav Shterbuch Shlit’a refused to comply with the request of the Rosh Yeshiva and firmly made it clear to him that he did not need to ask for any brachos because he can bentch others himself.

Rav Sorotzkin Shlit’a  continued to repeatedly ask and beg the Posek Hador to give a bracha, but Maran Harav Shterbuch continually praised the tremendous zchusim that Harav Sorotzkin has and said clearly that with these zchuyos all the gates of brachos in shamayim are available to him and there’s no need to search elsewhere.

Maran Posek Hador continued to say, “I have several grandsons in your yeshiva and several sons-in-law in your Kollelim. Most of their chochma comes from you. You have a “gevaldige zchus to give  brachos.” Harav Shternbuch added dramatically, “Your brachos are the most powerful possible, there’s no one more worthy to give brachos.”

After many entreaties from Rav Sorotzkin for a bracha nevertheless, Maran Harav Shternbuch told Harav Sorotzkin to give a bracha and that he would answer “amen”.

Those present were astonished, and the members of Maran Posek Hador’s family testified that they had never heard the Rav speak this way, as it is known that Harav Shterbuch measures every word that comes out of his mouth and does not utter unnecessary words.

Watch the complete and historical documentation from the holy residence of Maran Posek Hador.

[Press Release]

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