Purchasing Chometz from Target – even locally in Lakewood and Howell – immediately after Pesach should be avoided if possible, according to Rabbi Shmuel Heinemann of the Star-K.
Rabbi Heinemann explains that the items may be from a Jewish distributor that does not sell its Chometz, posing a problem for consumers in regards to Chometz not owned by a non-Jew over Pesach.
If possible, says Rabbi Heinemann, one should avoid purchasing items from Target until four weeks after Pesach.
In addition, you must inquire regarding each Shoprite store.
Purchasing Chometz items immediately after Pesach from the following national stores, is okay.
Food Lion
Royal Farms
Sam’s Discount Warehouse
Shoppers Food Warehouse
Trader Joe’s
Read more about the topic here.
How About Stop & Shop could someone advise..
Any purchases at Target, any time of year should be curtailed because of the new bathroom policy they have instituted. In a nutshell, men can use ladies bathrooms and visa versa.
Let’s start a target Boycott.
What about shoprite in Howell
What about Shoprite in Howell ?
I thought Shop Rite is sold by R Teitz based on the Vilna Shtar Mechora and Reb Moishe teshuva that even if the yid is open it is still a good mechirah. Please clarify
If I were you, I would also stop shopping at Taget. Spread the word. It’s disgusting what this world is becoming.
Is this list for baltimore area only (star k). Last year i remember pple saying there was a problem with costco
shop there but just dont use the restrooms
Great that we are so makpid on this. How about being makpid on showing the world we do not agree with their perverted new regulations of allowing both genders to use the same restrooms?
Not to take away from the boycott but…. Target brand items (aka Market Pantry) should not be a problem like last year as it’s only an issue with their distributor…
I agree boycot target this is disgusting
Hit them where it hurts
What about aldi?
I agree boycot target this is disgusting Hit them where it hurts most
There was an ad in the voice of Lakewood that said shoprite od howell is owned by the saker family and has no problems with chametz sheaver alav al pesach
It may be a problem?! Since when is a sofek derabonon a problem? Either it is or it isn’t an issue, ‘may’ is irrelevant
to moshe: the ad in the voice may have been referring only to the pallets of food that they set aside before Pesach and sold in a special section of the store all night Motzei Pesach.
How about local stores?
Why don’t they post signs about with whom they sold their chametz?
Who owns Shoprite in Brick?
Aldi is a German owned company (if i am not mistaken). I try to avoid them all year long.
anyone know where to get a list of stores that are ok? How about shoprite in brick?
How about a ‘thank you’ post for Shop Rite in Howell. They shteled for the tzibbur a special run of chometz products. I was amazed at how an employee scanned some of my items in the aisle to check that they actually arrived at the store before Pesach.
A cashier in howell told me that the brick store is also owned by the same owner as the howell store. I didn’t confirm with management. You can always call to confirm.
The shoprite in Brick is owned by gentiles.
We live in a sick world and Target has chosen to stick themselves in the middle of it. Besides for the moral issues involved, the move they have made regarding their bathroom and dressing room policy is VERY dangerous for women and girls. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the danger involved but apparently in our stupid left wing world, “correctness” is always more important.
However; we cannot make our voices heard by posting comments on TLS alone, we need to band together and make our voices heard in a HUGE way. I truly hope they change this policy because I love the Target store brand but I would stop shopping there in a heartbeat.
To Mat
First let Howell SR invite us to shop there all year round!
They left Lkwd without thanking fo r our 30+ years of patronage.
They never put out an ad inviting us to shop in Howell.
And you want us to thank them?!!
Costco is partly owned by a Jew who went to Sunday school I think his name is Jeffrey batman u can see pictures of his parents matzeivos oline
Sorry his last name is bratman
Hey #20 lakewood resident …..
What a hateful statement!!!!!!
stop and shop is not on the list, so its probably not good…the list is what is good…not complicated
Aldi and Trader Joe are the same owners, so Kal V’Chomer……