P’SAK FROM HAGAON RAV CHAIM: No need to worry about Bitul Torah by attending The Siyum Hashas, as “Benefits are much greater”

A question was posed to Sar Hatorah Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita with regards to the potential Bitul Torah of children who would attend the Siyum Hashas.

The translation is as follows:

“Last week, we were dealing with issues regarding the Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi – the closer we get to the Siyum, the more questions about it we are getting.

This week, a question came from the United States, where they are heavily in middle of the preparations for a tremendous Siyum HaShas event with close to 100,000 people taking part. A principal in a Yeshiva asked my grandfather [Maran HaGaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlita]: In our Yeshiva there are close to 1,000 boys learning, and there is a disagreement among the administration if it’s proper to take them to the Siyum. On the one hand, it’s certain that joining in this incredible celebration will leave a strong impression on the minds of the children and will grow in them a greater desire to learn Torah. On the other hand, traveling to the Siyum – there and back – and the Siyum itself, will take many hours and during that time these children will be unable to learn their regular Torah. Should we take the boys or not?

My grandfather answered that those who said to take the children to the Siyum are correct, and not to worry about the bittul Torah, because the benefits of joining this assembly of Kavod Hatorah are much greater.”

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  1. Powerful words, powerful P’sak.
    R’ Dovid Feinstein Shlit”a also said the Oilam should go to the Siyum.
    Are there any dissenting opinions ?
    Happy Siyum to all !!

  2. (assuming this is a blanket psak for everyone, and not specific for those that asked it,) lets be true to his psak and stop shaving, as reb chaim is against shaving as well

  3. “rabbah byoser” doesnt mean that ” beneffits are much greater” than learning torah. I saw the headline and i knew immediatley that someone completely misquoted R Chaim.

  4. For heavens sake, This is kosher entertainment. By saying “no, they can’t go” you are just going to lose them. Yatzah s’charah b’hefsaidah. we’ve lost too many kids by saying No to everything!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

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