PHOTO: It’s that time of year again. TLS has received reports of multiple potholes around town, some which have already caused tire blow-outs.
If you come across a pothole, you can call it in to the Public Works at 732-905-3405.
However, with Winter here, the patches will only be filled with temporary patches (aka cold patches). During the warmer months, the patches are filled with more permanent patches known as hot patches.
RIDGE AVE IS 1 BIG POTHOLE!!!! When are they going to repave it?????
Enough is enough!
What about somerset ave?
There are 100s if school kids that pass these roads!!
I blew a tire on a pothole on Linden yesterday. Today at Retired, surprise, my neighbor blew his tire on Ridge!
Our neighborhood is contributing MILLIONS in taxes. Don’t we deserve a road a little better than Ukraine! This is outright dangerous.
Meir, Menashe, please see to it that Ridge Ave, from New York to Somerset gets a proper paving done. And the same for Somerset from 7th to Ridge, and Linden from Ridge to Rt. 88. It’s about time.
winter didn’t even start yet so why are potholes happening already? Maybe they weren’t fixed properly after last winter? Why hasn’t anyone figured out away to make a paving material that prevents potholes? (something that can expand and contract in heat and cold without coming apart)
For those of you that don’t know, today was Thanksgiving. We all see the potholes that came about after this huge rainstorm. The same way u wouldn’t do work on the High Holidays so too don’t expect us goy to work on Thanksgiving
Why repave?
it’s a good reminder of Kletzk, with all the Gashmias don’t we need a reminder?
Great idea. Call Public Works. Then wait patiently. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Nu shoyn, this town always does patch up jobs. If you have pations to wait 40 years, they might repave your block also.
If you want all your roads repaved get ready for higher taxes. The money’s gotta come from somewhere. And now we start to get all the dumb comments that we pay enough taxes already. Well the taxes you pay now get you this. If you want more services you gotta pay more.
Response to Goy:
Im not sure why you have such a Goy complex the pot holes were there a day before thanksgiving and will be there a day after nobody ever suggested working on thanksgiving
Cars now a days have very short sidewalls. If you hit a pothole the tire is going to get pinched between the rim and the pavement, which causes a blow-out and, in some cases, a bent rim. Older cars have higher sidewalls which have more “give” and can absorb the shock of hitting the pothole without blowing the tire or bending the rim. Tire and rim making companies love the short sidewalls = $$$$$ for them.
Potholes ”popping up”
Hope we don’t get any sink holes. They’re much more dangerous.
I don’t believe my block has ever been repaved and I’m living here 35 years.
I vote for east end. BTW Goy guy, I thinks it’s ridiculous all these stores open on Thanksgiving. Retailers just exploit their employees to make an extra buck.
yeh! great idea call public works.
just have a litttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttle patients!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!?!
I am assuming whoever is complaining here already called the department of public works. This forum is great to express your opinion although nothing will really get done by expressing your opinion here. Please call the department of public works and it will get done faster than just complaining and complaining and complaining here. Thank you. Have a great week.
People, the word is spelled PATIENCE! Not “pations” or “patients”