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It’s a tragedy that Avi Schnall’s one issue candidacy (so-called “tuition relief”) has caused him to bargain with the Devil (i.e. the Democrat party).
Tens of thousands of Hamas-Nazi supporters have taken to the streets in cities across the US: do you think they’re Republicans or Democrats? And which party has consistently refused to censure their rabid antisemitic “squad”? Which party’s platform promotes: unlimited abortion, the LGBT invasion of American culture, Critical Race Theory at all levels of education, DEI infecting every American institution, a weakened woke military, the Green New Deal to combat fake climate change, undermining the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, an open border inviting in millions of illegals (including criminals and terrorists), lax voting regulations allowing massive fraud, criminalizing parents at school board meetings, promoting drugs and surgeries to encourage transgenderism, applauds islamist jihadists overrunning college campuses and threatening Jews, doing nothing about violent crimes and homelessness plaguing our cities, arrests and prosecutes it’s political opponents through a corrupt Justice Dept. and FBI…sheesh, the krum list goes on and on. How can any frum yid of any conscience voluntarily identify with this totality of EVIL? All in the name of “tuition relief”?! Appalling!
As reflected in the title of Mark Levin’s new book, yes, The Democrat Party Hates America and wants to turn it into a Marxist, autocratic one-party state. That Lakewood askanim choose to get into bed with the Democrats at this pivotal moment in history is utterly shameful. Avi Schnall needs to immediately withdraw his Democrat candidacy and renounce his decision to collude with these resha’im. Period.
Unfortunately you live in a democrat state so you need democrat representatives. If this is not okay for u maybe u can move to Texas
Avi claims in his campaign ads that every good thing that happend in lakewood in the last ten years is his credit, so I see he could acomplish things without being a democRAT representative.
So you are smarter than the most respected Torah leaders of our town & publicly disagree with them. Is that a higher priority to you than accepting Avi Schnall running as a Democrat? Will dividing the Lakewood vote help us or hurt us? It’s amazing how people get so caught up in right wing politics that they lose perspective of the derech hayoshor expected of a Yid. NJ is a heavily Democrat State & Avi Schnall won’t add much at all to that. Stop listening to right wing blogs & radio personalities & you will reacquire your respect for the opinion of the talmidei Chachomim of our town.
The nazis were far-rightists, not leftists. They killed communists. Neither party represents absolute, unquestioned good.
The “Tuition Relief” is just an other campaign slogan, for consumption of the Non-informed.
IF tuition relief will ever have a plausible chance [Ohio], it will NOT be with Democrat support.
Just Stating the obvious.
I will vote as the Vaad instructed.
I vote for Vaad endorsed candidates because I follow Daas Torah which it seems (shockingly) that many commenters do not.
Lakewood will only have Bracha, & Hatzlacha if we follow our Rabbonim. Even if on the surface it may not make sense to us we must have (or work on having) Emunah in our Gedolim that they are ALWAYS looking out for what’s best for us in Ruchnius & Gashmius.
Rabbonim clearly said Schnall!
anyone can ask them this is nobody’s secret
NK also support democrats. Democrats support terrorists. Voting Democrat is no different then voting for Hamas.
I know the scoop isn’t going to post this, however, I’m more then willing to sit with the Vaad and the roshei yeshiva and have themexpl;ain to me why I’m wrong. I highly doubt any will be able to make an argument that is based on fact or Torah.
You show gross lack of respect for the many senior Talmidei Chachomim who have endorsed Avi Schnal. They don’t need to explain to you their reasoning. You’re also quite foolish to think that Democrats are all bad while republicans are all good. We are living in a State with an overwhelming Democrat majority which means that they don’t need Avi to join them to pass their agenda. The best this for Lakewood would be an undivided vote showing the achdus of our town.
I didn’t say republicans are good. Democrats are bad, for they endorse a complete anti Torah lifestyle. The democrat party is endorsing Avi only if he is willing to sign onto their agenda. Their agenda is kol kulo against Torah. Thus, if he doesn’t do what they say, he will accomplish zero. They will deny him anything he wants for Lakewood. So for example, they propose a bill expanding gay rights and Avi votes against it, the Democrats will turn down his requests for anything positive for Lakewood. That’s how politics works. That’s why Lakewood is one of the most corrupt places around. I can debate you on Lakewood and Reb Aaron as well, and show you how you have zero knowledge on either.
Which Rabbonim are you following? The “Vaad”? Let me ask you: who is the vaad comprised of? Who is the “Daas torah” the Vaad asks for guidance?
Ok then. Settle down with your “following rabbonim” spiel
Did you watch the video posted by the Vaad on 10/18/23?
R’ Weissberg explained the Vaad was created around 30 years ago by Rav Shnuer & they still follow the Hadracha, Mesorah & Daas Torah of the Roshei Yeshiva who receive input from other Rabbonim, Askanim, etc. who personally know the candidates.
What more does a Frum Yid living in the Lakewood area need to know other than Daas Torah has made clear they are represented by the Vaad?
Absolute Chutzpa! A large number of senior Talmidei Chachomim have endorsed & blessed Avi Schnal’s campaign. It’s mind boggling that our “Political Experts” now claim to have more Daas Torah than the tzadikim who actually spend their days & nights studying Torah.
I will אי”ה vote, but, I don’t “twitter”
I gotta hand it to the campaign and the vaad endorsed cadidates piggybacking on the rabonim who signed for Avi Shnall. Truth is not one rav signed on for any of the VAAD backed cadidates except Avi Shnall.
Vote for who will represent you the tax payer the best. Do your own research. It is your vote . You vote who is best for your interests. Who will best represent you.