Poll: Should School Buses Have Seat Belts?
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I’d say yes but who’s going to make sure the kids belt up? There’s no point in wasting money putting them in…
Is there any proof seats belts on busses save lives like in cars?
I was in a school bus accident about 10 years. The person who hit us died and the bus was fully engulfed in flames although nobody was wearing seat belts there were only minor injuries but only from people sitting in they’re seats the ones standing didn’t get hurt at all. Now this was 11 high school boys if it would be a packed bus with young kids who are hurt they wouldn’t have enough time to get off bus before it blew up
The bus driver! He would tell the children to stay belted in and if they didn’t he should stop the bus and call Police. The child/children would be removed til the parents arrived and bus privileges be suspended. No second chances.
Having belts on the bus and making sure they are used will create a ripple effect for an increased awareness that safety is first in all aspects of the children’s lives.
as a kid, I am on the bus for 45 minutes. Imagine being tied to a seat for that long we would go crazy.
Of course buses should have seatbelts! My public high school students wouldn’t dream of unbuckling during the bus ride. When we go on trips I see that it is second nature for them…you board, sit, and buckle. It is enforced from when they are young. Students that unbuckle or stand up while the bus is in motion are written up by the driver and disciplined by school administrators. The driver’s job is hard enough so enforcing these rules are up to the school.